Line Corp.
- Korea, Seoul
- http://blog.naver.com/pdpdds
Command-line cross-compiler of assembly language for Z80 CPU.
Some tools to process MSX sprites and tilesets
Multiple Emulator for MSX1 cartridge (16KB or 32KB) games, SG-1000, Othello MultiVision
Desensamblado comentado del King's Valley (Konami, 1985)
Tests and demos for msx in C for Hitech C cross compiler v7.8pl2
A tilemap editor that aims to be simple, fast and lightweight.
Editor de Baldosas (Tiles) y Sprites para MSX en modo gáfico SC2 y SC4
Disassembly, reverse engineering, and possible enhancement of the MSX game cartridge "Pyramid Warp (1983)"
Application to work with images in the graphics mode 2 of TMS9918A
Transball game for MSX by Santi Ontañón
Examples, demos and scripts from the book "Modern MSX-BASIC Game Development"
The MSX Red Book in Markdown format.
Command line tool to create images table to add to MSX programs (C/ASM/Bin)
MSX Asteroids-like game written in Hi-Tech C (CP/M version) by Eric Boon & Manuel Bilderbeek
Profiler script for openMSX with hooks for easy C code profiling.
MSX cross-development command line tools PNG2MSX, PNG2SPR[+] and TMX2BIN