Detect and crop multiple photos from a single image. Perfect for digitalizing your old paper photo albums.
In order to use the script ImageMagick has to be installed on your system. (If you're on a Mac I suggest using Homebrew brew install imagemagick
The easiest way to install the the script is by using composer.
composer global require wnx/multi-photo-crop
If the installation was successful you should be able to execute the following command:
multi-photo-crop --version
If this didn't work, composer binary files are not automatically loaded in your shell. You can also call the binary directly by using:
~/.composer/vendor/bin/multi-photo-crop --version
After installing the package you can run the script like this:
multi-photo-crop run "/path/to/your/images/**/*.png" "~/Downloads/"
There are some phpunit tests. You can run them with the following command.
- MultiCrop (not included in Repository)
- Symfony Console
- Symfony Process
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Stefan Zweifel - Initial work - stefanzweifel
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
The Multicrop Script has a special License. Read more here.