This is a toy code that generates the rolling average of the trip length of NYC yellow taxis. The data is taken from The code uses the start date of the trip as its time stamp. The rolling average is defined by a sliding window of size window
and step size step
. The rolling average is computed over the total time period [anchor_date
, anchor_date
Run python --help
to print the possible command line arguments:
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [--plot] anchor_date min_delta max_delta window step
positional arguments:
anchor_date anchor date of the total time interval [anchor_date-min_delta,
anchor_date+max_delta), e.g. '2019-03-01 00:00:00'
min_delta lower bound of the time period, e.g. '0 days'
max_delta upper bound of the time period, e.g. '60 days'
window sliding window size, e.g. '45 days'
step step size of the sliding window, e.g. '1 day'
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--plot generate a plot of the rolling mean
Example command line arguments to produce the rolling average over a 45 day window with a step size of 1 day in the total time period of 90 days from the start date 2019-03-01 00:00:00:
$ python '2019-03-01 00:00:00' '0' '90 days' '45 day' '1 day'
[2.992670148197292, 2.9938750859480248, ..., 3.02796146922059, 3.0219090805514086]
The associated unit tests can be run using the python unittest framework:
$ python -m unittest -v taxi_test
test_data_frame_loading (taxi_test.TestTaxiMethods) ... ok
test_file_validation (taxi_test.TestTaxiMethods) ... ok
test_interval_filter (taxi_test.TestTaxiMethods) ... ok
test_rolling_mean (taxi_test.TestTaxiMethods) ... ok
test_year_month_list (taxi_test.TestTaxiMethods) ... ok
Ran 5 tests in 69.462s