This library contains modules for the analysis of different biophysical techniques. Most of the them are experimental. No warranty whatsoever. DSF_fit, MST_data and MP_data are available as user-friendly webservers:
Please cite the respective publications and acknowledge this repository and the SPC facility at EMBL Hamburg when using it for a publication:
- DSF_fit
- Niebling, S., Burastero, O., BĂĽrgi, J., GĂĽnther, C., Defelipe, L. A., Sander, S., ... & GarcĂa-Alai, M. (2021). FoldAffinity: binding affinities from nDSF experiments. Scientific reports, 11(1), 1-17.
- Burastero, O., Niebling, S., Defelipe, L. A., GĂĽnther, C., Struve, A., & Garcia Alai, M. M. (2021). eSPC: an online data-analysis platform for molecular biophysics. Acta Crystallographica Section D: Structural Biology, 77(10).
- Bai, N., Roder, H., Dickson, A., & Karanicolas, J. (2019). Isothermal analysis of ThermoFluor data can readily provide quantitative binding affinities. Scientific reports, 9(1), 1-15.
- MP_data
- Niebling, S., Veith, K., Vollmer, B., Lizarrondo, J., Burastero, O., Schiller, J., ... & GarcĂa-Alai, M. (2022). Biophysical Screening Pipeline for Cryo-EM Grid Preparation of Membrane Proteins. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences, 535.
There is no installation necessary. After cloning the repository, add the parental folder to the path and then load the module you want to use. Below is an example:
import sys
# Load parental folder that contains BioPhysPy folder
# Load python class
from BioPhyPy.DSF_fit import DSF_binding
Currently BioPhyPy contains the following modules:
- DSF_fit: Differential scanning fluorimetry
- MP_data: Mass photometry
- BLI_data: Biolayer interferometry
- MST_data: Microscale thermophoresis
- Visualization of DSF data
- Isothermal analysis
- Tm analysis
# Load modules
import sys
# Add parental folder that contains module to path
# Load module
from BioPhyPy.DSF_fit import DSF_binding
# Parameters, adjust!
fn = './2405_ndsf_example/example.xlsx'
# Decide whether to load '330nm', '350nm' or 'Ratio' data
which = 'Ratio'
# Load data
test = DSF_binding()
# Specify temperature window
window = [22, 55]
# Create list with analyte concentrations
# Here it was a serial dilution with 14 concentrations
# starting at 5 mM
concs = []
for i in range(14):
# Pure protein without analyte
# Experiment was run in triplicates
concs = 3*concs
# Load data
test.load_xlsx(fn=fn, concs=concs, which=which, window=window, load_fit=False)
# Protein Concentration
test.pconc = 10E-6
# Plot fluorescence signal
fig, ax = test.plot_fluo()
# Save figure
# Load modules
import sys
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
# Load python class
from BioPhyPy.DSF_fit import DSF_binding
# Parameters, adjust!
fn = './2405_ndsf_example/example.xlsx'
# Decide whether to load '330nm', '350nm' or 'Ratio' data
which = 'Ratio'
# Load data
test = DSF_binding()
# Specify temperature window
window = [22, 55]
# Create list with analyte concentrations
# Here it was a serial dilution with 14 concentrations
# starting at 5 mM
concs = []
for i in range(14):
# Pure protein without analyte
# Experiment was run in triplicates
concs = 3*concs
# Load data
test.load_xlsx(fn=fn, concs=concs, which=which, window=window, load_fit=False)
# Protein Concentration
test.pconc = 10E-6
# Local fit of fluorescence curves
# Subsequent global fit
# Plot fits
fig, ax = test.plot_fit_fluo()
# Define temperatures for isothermal analysis, should be around Tm
test.isothermal_ts = [32,34,36,38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48]
# Isothermal analysis
# Plot isothermal analysis
fig, ax = test.plot_fit_isothermal(show_only_kd=True)
# Load modules
import sys, os
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
# Load python class
from BioPhyPy.DSF_fit import DSF_binding
# Parameters, adjust!
fn = './2405_ndsf_example/example.xlsx'
# Decide whether to load '330nm', '350nm' or 'Ratio' data
which = 'Ratio'
# Load data
test = DSF_binding()
# Specify temperature window
window = [22, 55]
# Create list with analyte concentrations
# Here it was a serial dilution with 14 concentrations
# starting at 5 mM
concs = []
for i in range(14):
# Pure protein without analyte
# Experiment was run in triplicates
concs = 3*concs
# Load data
test.load_xlsx(fn=fn, concs=concs, which=which, window=window, load_fit=False)
# Protein Concentration
test.pconc = 10E-6
# Determine melting temperatures from 1st derivative
# Specify fitting model: 'single' site or 'hill'
tms_fit = 'single' #
# Plot melting temperatures and fit
fig, ax = test.plot_tms()
fig.savefig('./tms_%s.pdf' % tms_fit)
- Visualization of mass photometry data
- Generation of histograms and gaussian fitting
- Can also read movie file to show frames in combination with histogram
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
# Load python class
from BioPhyPy import MP_data
# Adjust font size
fs = 18
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Histogram file
# This is the linux path syntax, for Windows it needs to be adjusted, e.g. by using \ instead of /
fn ='./folder/example.h5'
# Default parameters for processing
# Limits for
show_lim = [-100, 600]
guess_pos = [66, 148, 480]
# Load eventsFitted
dataset = MP_data(fn=fn, mp_fn=mp_fn)
# Create histogram
# Fit bands in mass space
dataset.fit_histo(guess_pos=guess_pos, tol=30, cutoff=0, xlim=[-100,1500], max_width=max_width)
# Create wider plot than default
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=[8, 4])
# Plot histogram
dataset.plot_histo(xlim=show_lim, ax=ax, show_labels=True, short_labels=True, show_counts=True)
# Save plot
import sys, glob, os
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
import numpy as np
# Load python class
from BioPhyPy import MP_data
# Font size
fs = 18
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Histogram file
# This is the linux path syntax, for Windows it needs to be adjusted, e.g. by using \ instead of /
fn ='./folder/events.h5'
# Movie file
mp_fn = './folder/movie.mpr'
# Default parameters for processing
# Limits for
show_lim = [-100, 600]
guess_pos = [66, 148, 480]
# Load eventsFitted and movie file
dataset = MP_data(fn=fn, mp_fn=mp_fn)
# Set parameters for later plot of the frame
# Analyze movie for later inlet
# Frame with largest numbers of fitted events above threshold is chosen
dataset.analyze_movie(frame_range=2, frame='largest', threshold=50, show_lines=True)
# Create histogram
# Fit bands in mass space
dataset.fit_histo(guess_pos=guess_pos, tol=30, cutoff=0, xlim=[-100,1500], max_width=max_width)
# Create plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, figsize=[8, 4])
dataset.plot_histo(xlim=show_lim, ax=ax, show_labels=False, short_labels=True, show_counts=False, contrasts=False)
# Save plot
- Visualization of BLI data
- Kinetic fits not fully implemented yet
# Load modules
import sys
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
# Load module
from BioPhyPy import BLI_data
# Font size
fs = 12
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Folder with raw data
# This is the linux path syntax, for Windows it needs to be adjusted, e.g. by using \ instead of /
folder = './experiment_folder/'
# Initialize instance
bli_data = BLI_data(folder=folder)
# Remove jumps (use average of first 3 points)
# Align curves to beginning of association (step 3)
bli_data.align(step=0, location='start')
# Smooth curves with a 21 point window
# Plot signal for binding
fig, ax = bli_data.plot(legend='SampleID', legend_step=3, abbrev_step_names=True, steps=[0,1,2,3,4], sensors=range(1,8))
# Save plot
# Load modules
import sys
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
from BioPhyPy import BLI_data
# Font size
fs = 12
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Folder with raw data
# This is the linux path syntax, for Windows it needs to be adjusted, e.g. by using \ instead of /
folder = './experiment_folder/'
# Initialize instance
bli_data = BLI_data(folder=folder)
# Remove jumps (use average of first 3 points)
# Align curves to beginning of association (step 3)
bli_data.align(step=2, location='end')
# Smooth curves with a 21 point window
# # Subtract reference sensor
bli_data.subtract(ref_sensor=7, sample_sensors=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
# Align again
bli_data.align(step=4, location='end')
# Do fit of selected sensor and plot it
fig, ax = bli_data.fit_data(sensors=[4], step_assoc=3, step_dissoc=4, func='monoexp', plot=True)
# Save plot
# Load modules
import sys
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
from BioPhyPy import BLI_data
# Font size
fs = 12
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Folder with raw data
# This is the linux path syntax, for Windows it needs to be adjusted, e.g. by using \ instead of /
folder = './experiment_folder/'
# Initialize instance
bli_data = BLI_data(folder=folder)
# Remove jumps (use average of first 3 points)
# Align curves to beginning of association (step 3)
bli_data.align(step=2, location='end')
# Smooth curves with a 21 point window
# # Subtract reference sensor
bli_data.subtract(ref_sensor=7, sample_sensors=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
# Align again
bli_data.align(step=4, location='end')
# Steady state fit
bli_data.steady_state_fit(step=3, sample_sensors=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6])
# Save plot
- Visualize data and fit affinities
# Load modules
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
# Load module
from BioPhyPy import MST_data
# Folder
fn = './mst_example.xlsx'
# Define fontsize for plots
fs = 14
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Load data
data = MST_data(fn=fn)
# Normalize signal
# Select "hot" region for MST analysis (seconds)
# Define protein concentration
data.pconc = 10E-6
# Fit Kd with fixed protein concentration
# Plot data
fig, ax = data.plot()
# Save figure
# Load modules
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Add parental folder that contains BioPhysPy to path
# Load module
from BioPhyPy import MST_data
# Folder
fn = './2405_mst_example/mst_example.xlsx'
# Define fontsize for plots
fs = 14
plt.rcParams.update({'font.size': fs})
# Load data
data = MST_data(fn=fn)
# Select "hot" region for MST analysis (seconds)
# Plot data
fig, ax = data.plot_init_fluo()
- CD_data
- IR_data
- MS_data
- DLS_data