A google script file that allows you to pull information from The Blue Alliance's V3 API using simple functions inside of Google Sheets.
How to install:
STEP 1 - Create a new google sheets doc and load in the google script
- Go to your google drive and create a new blank google sheets (alternatively, open an existing one you'd like to start using these features in)
- Once you're looking at the google sheet, click "Tools" on the navbar, then "Script Editor"
- On the new tab that has opened up, paste all of the code that is in the Code.gs file in this GitHub repository
- Click save (or CTRL + S) and give the project a name (Ex: "TBA Sheet Puller")
- Keep this tab open and proceed to STEP 2 (skip to part 6 if you already have a TBA API Read Auth Key)
STEP 2 - Create your TBA Auth Key
- Go to https://www.thebluealliance.com/
- Under the "More" item on the top navigation bar, press Account
- If you're not already logged in, log in or register (afterwards you should be on https://www.thebluealliance.com/account)
- Scroll down to "Read API Keys", enter a name for your key in the Description box (ex: "My Google Sheets app!"), and click "Add New Key"
- Copy your new key that appears below
- Go to your open Google Script editor from STEP 1, and near the top on line 7 you will see: 'var auth_key = "" '. Paste your API key inside the quotes, and click/press save.
Examples located here: https://www.chiefdelphi.com/t/the-blue-alliance-api-google-sheets-addon/359332
=tbaTeamStatus(eventcode, teamnum)
=tbaTeamsOnAlliance(eventcode, matchcode, alliance)