Magot ain't getopt.
Magot is a minimal library for command line argument parsing. The main objective is to provide basic argument handling capabilities with a minimal amount of setup code.
The code is strict C99 and should build fine with any compliant C compiler without any warnings. The Makefile targets GNU Make >= 3.80.
Suggestions, contributions and flames welcome.
- POSIX or GNU style options
- flag clusters when using POSIX style
- mandatory arguments
- print usage summary
- collect remaining arguments
- no heap allocations
The API is not finalized therefore the soname will not change on BC breaks until it is (if ever - just link to it statically if you are crazy enough to actually use it).
This is first and foremost my personal toy. The code is in all likelyhood horribly inefficient. No warranty. No support. Use at own risk. Yada yada.
Getopt makes me want to gouge my eyes out.
Look at demo.c for an example with explanations.
#include <magot.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
magot_t foo, bar, baz, quux;
magot_t *opts[] = {
magot_opt(&foo, "foo", "f", true, "foo option"),
magot_opt(&bar, "bar", "b", false, "bar option"),
magot_flag(&baz, "baz", "z", "baz flag"),
magot_flag(&quux, "quux", "q", "quux flag")
int optc = sizeof(opts) / sizeof(opts[0]);
magot_parser_t parser;
magot_parser(&parser, argc, argv);
magot_set_style(&parser, MAGOT_STYLE_GNU);
if (!magot_parse(optc, opts, &parser)) {
magot_print_error(stdout, &parser);
magot_print_help(stdout, optc, opts, magot_get_style(&parser));
return 1;
printf("foo option: %s\n", magot_value(&foo));
if (magot_isset(&bar)) {
printf("bar option: %s\n", magot_value(&bar));
if (magot_isset(&baz)) {
puts("baz flag present");
if (magot_isset(&quux)) {
puts("quux flag present");
return 0;
Just execute make to build everything (performs no optimizations, see CFLAGS below)
To install execute
make install
To customize the location set the PREFIX variable. The default location is /usr/local.
make install PREFIX=~/my/stuff
The install target will copy magot.h to $PREFIX/include and libmagot.a and to $PREFIX/lib.
If you have pandoc installed you can convert the readme to html with
make doc
To remove all generated files execute
make clean
Note that by default the CFLAGS don't specify any optimizations. If you want an optimized build just set the appropriate CFLAGS
make CFLAGS=-O2
Magot makes liberal use of assertions. If you're confident that it doesn't break just compile with NDEBUG if you are sure that you want to disable them (not recommended)
Conversely, if you're debugging with gdb set the -g flag to improve your debugging experience
make CFLAGS=-g
Do whatever the fuck you want to. But don't come whining to me if it breaks (and it will). Good luck.