- United States
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/stephanie-hingtgen/
basics-of-linear-algebra-for-machine-learning Public
Forked from PoorlyDefinedBehaviour/basics-of-linear-algebra-for-machine-learningPython UpdatedJul 13, 2023 -
go-mssqldb Public
Forked from microsoft/go-mssqldbMicrosoft SQL server driver written in go language
Go BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 29, 2023 -
clickhouse-go Public
Forked from ClickHouse/clickhouse-goGolang driver for ClickHouse
Go Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 16, 2023 -
redis Public
Forked from redis/go-redisType-safe Redis client for Golang
Many-to-One-Stable-Matching Public
Extension of the Gale-Shapley algorithm to allow many-to-one matching. This specifically implements students being paired to hospital jobs. There can be more students than jobs.
Automated-CTF-Flag-Submitter Public
Automatically run your exploit using the swpag client or run exploits at a given time interval. All flag submissions can send updates to slack!
AI-Checkers Public
AI who plays checkers against you using mini-max alpha beta search
Java UpdatedFeb 9, 2019 -
Sorters Public
Implementation of merge sort, insertion sort, quick sort, and selection sort
Java UpdatedJul 17, 2018 -
Webcrawler-Graph Public
This crawls the wikipedia page and looks for links to other wikipedia pages to make a graph of connected topics
Java UpdatedDec 15, 2017 -
Raise-Hand Public
Forked from rssnyder/Raise-HandComputer Science 309 Project
Java UpdatedDec 7, 2017 -
hackisu-f17 Public
Forked from rssnyder/hackisu-f17Our project for HackISU Fall 2017.
Python UpdatedOct 22, 2017