Name: Stephen A Olujare
Location: Lagos, Nigeria
Email: [email protected]
As a back-end software developer, I specialized in building and maintaining responsive applications and websites using Java, Golang, and Spring Boot as frameworks. I'm currently on a journey of web development. My passion lies in creating user-friendly experiences and leveraging modern libraries and frameworks.
Programming Languages: Java, Golang
Frameworks: Spring Boot, Echo, Gin
Learning: Web Development using HTML, CSS, and Javascript with other frameworks that have to deal with web development.
- I believe in continuous learning and constantly strive to enhance my skills in the technologies I work with.
I'm enthusiastic about collaborating on exciting software projects. Whether it's open-source initiatives or industry-specific applications, I'm always open to meaningful collaborations that contribute positively to the tech community.
⚡ Secret Hobbies: When I'm not coding, you might find me pursuing my love for photography or enjoying a refreshing swim and listening to evergreen songs. It's my way of unwinding and finding inspiration outside the digital realm.
Feel free to connect with me and explore potential collaboration opportunities. Let's create something amazing together!
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