Travelers, vacationers and bubble guts, Toiletz is a social-networking app that provides a list of accessible restrooms in an area.
Give a summary of the product and the benefit. Assume the reader will not read anything else so make this paragraph good. When you need to use the restroom the last thing you want to deal with is getting to one only to find that you need a key, or a code or, god forbid, that it has been visited by "one who eats Taco Bell". You just need to find relief. Toiletz is here to help you find that. Toiletz, it's yelp but for toilets!
When out and about, especially in a new place, there is no way of knowing where a good and accessible bathroom is.
People who are in need of using a restroom can log in the Toiletz app to access the closest restroom.
"We all gotta go, when we gotta go. Toiletz, it's yelp but for toilets!""
What follows are descriptions, sample usage and server outputs for each of the Toiletz API endpoints:
POST /api/auth/signin
Performs authentication to see if the user exists in the database. If the user exists, login methods will continue. Otherwise, the user will be redirected to the signup page. Server output: "Received POST at /api/auth/signin"
POST /api/auth/signup
Creates a new user account. Server output: "Received POST at /api/auth/signin"
POST /api/review
Creates a review for a toilet. Sample of review entry: { "descriptions": "Expect a long line", "rating": 3, "recommend": true, "id_users": 15, "id_Toiletz": 11, "id": 21 } Server output: "Received POST at /api/review"
GET /api/review/toilet/:toiletId
Fetches all reviews for a specified toilet Server output: [list of all reviews]
GET /api/review/toilet/:toiletId
Fetches toilet review for a specified user Server output: [list of all reviews]
GET /api/:reviewId
Fetches a specified review Server output: [list of all reviews]
GET /api/tag
Fetches all available tag options on toilet. Server output: "Received GET at /api/tag/" POST /api/tag Creates new tag for a toilet
GET /api/:tagId
Fetches a specified tag by ID Server output: "Received GET at /api/:tagId"
GET /api/toilet/
Fetches all available toilets Server output: [sends response with a list of all toilets] POST /api/toilet/ Creates a new toilet entry.
POST /api/toilet/location
Finds toilets in a radius. Server output: [returns a list of toilets in radius]
GET /api/toilet/:toiletId
Fetches a specified toilet by ID Server output: [returns toilet if found]
Real User #4Realz, "I had just finished winning the road kill eat off and new I was in trouble when the first rumble came. Toiletz guided me to safety and relief. Thanks Toiletz!
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