Atari 5200DS - Emulator for the DSi and above based on Alekmaul's work
A Texas Instruments TI99/4a Emulator for the DS/DSi. Parsec, Alpiner, Tunnels of Doom and Hunt the Wumpus - all the classic TI games the way you remember them on your venerable handheld.
A8DS An Atari 8-bit Computer Emulator for the DS/DSi and includes virtually anything the Atari 8-bit computers can run.
Atari 7800 DS Emulator - updated from Alekmaul's original. Striving for accuracy and speed on the venerable DS handheld. Don't expect perfect emulation but things are good enough to enjoy Atari's l…
Nintellivision - an Intellivision Emulator for the DS/DSi. High compatibility, custom overlay support, high score saving, tons of input mapping - all the quality of life improvements you need!
Arduino and Electric Imp code for controlling the LumaPad 8000s