Game on JAMMA development board PROTOTYPE v0.2 (C) 2019 Steve Jones / BONEYARD
This is a prototype FPGA based JAMMA board for the development of homebrew games for arcade machine platforms and superguns.
The design is currently in a prototype stage, pretty much everything has been tested as working, however bugs and performance issues may remain. This design is NOT approved for production as of yet, but the files are made public as an aid to others developing their own hardware.
FAQ to follow...
Hardware specifications (fixed):
Altera MAX10 10M25SAE FPGA, 25K logic elements, extended Flash features
1MB 8Bit Static RAM, 10ns access
16MB 8Bit HyperRAM, 166Mhz DDR, 128 byte burst
48Mhz Crystal clock oscillator
microSD card interface
ADC 4 channel, 10 bit analog to digital convertor (Analog inputs via expansion connector)
Buffered video output
Stereo audio amplifier, 11 Watts
PCM5101 Stereo 12S DAC
4 Way Dip Switch
Standard JAMMA 5v tolerant inputs, plus configuration jumpers for 6-button Pandoras Box style interface
1x USER button, 1x RESET button
Large long-life and user replacable through hole capacitors in the audio and voltage regulator sections
Homebrew logic core (basic wishlist) specifications, likely to change:
CPU core (undecided, but a 6502 at 4Mhz currently works well)
256 Colour palette, 320 x 240 pixel framebuffer (double buffered)
Sprites (undecided, most likely a blitter for the framebuffer with fast HyperRAM as gfx data source)
Layers (undecided, at least one text overlay, maybe a tiled background layer also)
16 channel sample playback
Ability to load programs and data from microSD fat32 formatted cards