A Cycle.js Driver for making HTTP requests, based on superagent.
npm install @cycle/http
import Cycle from '@cycle/core';
import {makeHTTPDriver} from '@cycle/http';
function main(responses) {
// ...
const drivers = {
HTTP: makeHTTPDriver()
Cycle.run(main, drivers);
Simple and normal use case:
function main(responses) {
const HELLO_URL = 'http://localhost:8080/hello';
let request$ = Rx.Observable.just(HELLO_URL);
let vtree$ = responses.HTTP
.filter(res$ => res$.request === HELLO_URL)
.map(res => res.text) // We expect this to be "Hello World"
.map(text =>
h('div.container', [
h('h1', text)
return {
DOM: vtree$,
HTTP: request$
A thorough guide to the Observable API inside main
function main(responses) {
// Notice $$: it means this is a metastream, in other words, an Observable
// of Observables.
let httpResponse$$ = responses.HTTP;
httpResponse$$.subscribe(httpResponse$ => {
// Notice that httpResponse$$ emits httpResponse$.
// The response Observable has a special field attached to it:
// `request`, which is the same object we emit in the Observable at the
// return of `main`. This is useful for filtering: you can find the
// httpResponse$ corresponding to a certain request.
let httpResponse$ = httpResponse$$.mergeAll(); // flattens the metastream
// OR `httpResponse$$.switch()` to ignore past response streams.
httpResponse$.subscribe(httpResponse => {
// httpResponse is the object we get as response from superagent.
// Check the documentation in superagent to know the structure of
// this object.
console.log(httpResponse.status); // 200
// The request Observable is the string `http://localhost:8080/ping` emitted
// every second.
let request$ = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.map(() => 'http://localhost:8080/ping');
return {
HTTP: request$ // HTTP driver expects the request$ as input
For a more advanced usage, check the Search example and the documentation.
IE 8 is not supported because this library depends on superagent, which knowingly doesn't support IE 8.