Code for the NSubstitute tutorial blog post. With Mock syntax comparison.
VISUG session 11/2018: New features in C# and JavaScript
Learning Array.prototype by C# Linq comparison
Tech talk "Git: how to get out of a mess"
React.js tutorial. Claim an exercise by replying to the issue. Create a PR per Task (per checkbox).
Session on Angular "Reactive Forms"
Post a random meme to Slack every x
A tour into performance optimalization in confac, a React/Redux application
Code snippets for Excel creation with EPPlus
Accompanying code for Jasmine, Jest, Ava and TypeScript tutorial series
Frontend UnitTesting: Jasmine, Jest, React & Angular
Chrome UserScript that adds a stars badge to github project links
PowerShell script to git add, diff, reset etc files with fabricated indexes
Collection of Autohotkey scripts to make daily life in Windows less dull
Consultant invoicing: React frontend, Express backend
Small userscripts to enhance usability of existing sites
Uses audit data in a ServiceControl database to generate a routing diagram