A Spark/Scala package for Moment-Based Estimation For Hierarchical Models. Based off the the mbest R package, and (Patrick O. Perry 2015). The package currently only supports linear and logistic regression.
See the Examples
object internally for examples of fitting local models.
lazy val localSpark: SparkSession = {
.appName("spark test example")
val sleepstudySchema = StructType(Array(
StructField("Reaction", DoubleType, true),
StructField("Days", DoubleType, true),
StructField("Subject", StringType, true)))
val sleepstudyData = {
.option("header", "true")
val linearModelFitter = {
new MixedEffectsRegression()
val linearModel = linearModelFitter.fit(sleepstudyData)
// DenseVector(251.40510484848477, 10.467285959595985)
// 654.9410270722987
// 565.5153668031181 11.055429022598702
// 11.055429022598702 32.68219718640934
// DenseVector(-38.43315312500708, -5.513378956616419)
The current documentation is quite sparse. We'll gladly accept requests to fix and improve documentation! We will also gladly accept feature requestes and pull requests.
Please report issues directly on Github, that would be a really useful contribution given that we lack some user testing for this project. Please document as much as possible the steps to reproduce your problem (even better with screenshots).
We’re using the Apache 2.0 license.