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Publishing Presto to the Artifactory

Jenny Thompson edited this page Sep 5, 2018 · 14 revisions

Choose which branch to build. We normally want the latest presto release, which is of the form Look through to find it. Check the release notes for this release at


For historic reasons, this is a fork of the Teradata presto. However, that version appears to have been abandoned, so we now use the main presto project directly.


# You should update the presto repo to get the latest upstream.
git clone [email protected]:stitchfix/presto.git
cd presto
git remote add upstream [email protected]:prestodb/presto.git
git fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/master
git push
# git push doesn't push tags by default,
# but they are needed for `git describe` to work, 
# which becomes the version in the ui.
git push origin --tags

# You should then be able to checkout the tagged release
git checkout 0.209
# and create a branch from that tag
git checkout -b 0.209-sf

On that branch you need to add and modify some config files. You can cherry-pick the commit aa9f4cd265

git cherry-pick aa9f4cd2653b138e6f0a6da098ecaa84da25ccda
git push --set-upstream origin 0.209-sf

or follow the manual steps below.

Manual config settings

Add the snippet

    <!-- Credentials go into settings.xml -->

to pom.xml.

Then in the root directory add the files



# Prepare a credentials file so we can publish to artifactory.  
# For now making a call and updating the gradle properties with 
# the right value.  

sed "s/dummy/$CURRENT_RESULT/" settings.xml > settings.xml2
mv settings.xml2 settings.xml 
echo "Credentials file saved"



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
    <!-- Settings for publishing to artifactory at stitchfix as of Sept 6, 2016.  Add these settings
         by running maven <goals> -settings settings.xml  (use double dash settings) -->

Then commit these files and push the branch to the Stitch Fix Presto repository.

Building on Uhura

Go to (See Uhura-build-definition for the original build definition.)

Make sure that the script value SOURCE_BRANCH is pointing to the branch you have modified. Then run the job.

When the job is finished, you should see the new version at

If you published a snapshot version instead, it will end up at