A curated list of awesome things related to Apache Kafka.
- topicctl - A tool for easy, declarative management of Kafka topics. Includes the ability to "apply" topic changes from YAML as well as a repl for interactive exploration of brokers, topics, consumer groups, messages, and more.
- sarama - Sarama is an MIT-licensed Go client library for Apache Kafka version 0.8 (and later).
- kadeck - Apache Kafka Monitoring, Kafka UI and data platform for Desktop or Web.
- conduktor
- mirus - Mirus is a cross data-center data replication tool for Apache Kafka.
- kareldb - A Relational Database Backed by Apache Kafka.
- kcache - An In-Memory Cache Backed by Apache Kafka.
- kafka-lag-based-assignor - Kafka partition assignor that distributes lag evenly across a consumer group.
- kafka-pixy - Kafka-Pixy is a dual API (gRPC and REST) proxy for Kafka with automatic consumer group control.
- Burrow - Kafka Consumer Lag Checking.
- kafka-tools - A collection of tools for working with Apache Kafka.
- schema-registry-ui - Web tool for Avro Schema Registry.
- kafkacat - Generic command line non-JVM Apache Kafka producer and consumer.
- kafka-jackson - Kafka Serializer, Deserializer, and Serde for Jackson JSON.
- kafkahq - Kafka GUI for topics, topics data, consumers group, schema registry, connect and more.
- secor - Secor is a service implementing Kafka log persistence.
- reactive-kafka - Alpakka Kafka connector - Alpakka is a Reactive Enterprise Integration library for Java and Scala, based on Reactive Streams and Akka.
- kafka-monitor
- chaperone - A Kafka audit system.
- uReplicator - Improvement of Apache Kafka Mirrormaker.
- kafka-websocket
- kafka-unit
- cruise-control - Cruise-control is the first of its kind to fully automate the dynamic workload rebalance and self-healing of a kafka cluster.
- jocko - Kafka implemented in Golang with built-in coordination (No ZK dep, single binary install, Cloud Native).
- hermes - Fast and reliable message broker built on top of Kafka.
- kt - Kafka command line tool.
- kafka-eagle - Used to monitor the consumer status of Kafka clusters, as well as offsets, metadata and other information.
- dockerkafka - DoctorKafka is a service for Kafka cluster auto healing and workload balancing.
- kasper - Kasper is a lightweight library for processing Kafka topics.
- Yelp kafka-utils
- kafka-spark-consumer
- kafka-streams-cep - Complex Event Processing on top of Kafka Streams.
- spring-kafka
- ksql-machine-learning-udf
- kafkabeat - Elasticsearch Beats for kafka.
- sangrenel
- Strimzi - Operator for deploying and running Apache Kafka on Kubernetes and OpenShift.
- Kafka Manager - Web-based tool for managing a Kafka cluster.
- Strimzi Kafka CLI - A CLI for Strimzi Kafka Operator.
- Kafka Cluster Kraft Mode - DockerCompose - Workable kafka cluster with kraft mode using docker-compose.
- Decaton - High throughput asynchronous task processing framework
- kafka-topics-ui
- kafka-connect-ui - Web tool for Kafka Connect.
- Kafdrop - Web UI for browsing Kafka topics and consumer groups.
- kafka-webview
- kafka-view
- cruise-control-ui
- real-time-ui-with-kafka-streams
- tsujun - Yet another Web UI for KSQL.
- kowl
- akhq
- schema-registry-ui
- kafka-streams-consumer-offsets-to-json - A Kafka Streams process to convert consumer_offsets to a JSON-readable topic.
- kafka-operator
- kafkabalancer
- mockedstreams
- winton-kafka-streams - A Python implementation of Apache Kafka Streams.
- Apache Camel Kafka Connect - 340+ Apache Camel components as Kafka Connect connectors.
- kafka-connect-client - A kafka-connect REST api client for java.
- Confluent Connector Hub
- kafka-connect-protobuf-converter - Protobuf converter plugin for Kafka Connect.
- Maxwell
- kafka-connect-transformers
- kafka-connect-mq-source
- kafka-connect-jenkins
- toketi-kafka-connect-iohub
- connectctl - Manage kafka connect connectors easily.
- kafka-connect-transform-common - Common Transforms for Kafka Connect.
- aiven-kafka-connect-transforms - A collection of Single Message Transformations (SMTs) for Kafka Connect.
- kafka-connect-file-pulse - A polyvalent, scalable and reliable, Kafka Connector that makes it easy to parse, transform and stream any file, in any format, into Apache Kafka.
- kafka-connect-http
- snowflake-kafka-connector
- kafka-rest - Confluent REST Proxy.
- strimzi-http-bridge - Strimzi Kafka Bridge (AMQP & HTTP).
- Zilla - An API gateway built for event-driven architectures and streaming that supports standard protocols such as HTTP, SSE, gRPC, MQTT and the native Kafka protocol.
- apicurio-registry - Apicurio API/schema registry (includes UI).
- schema-registry - Confluent Schema registry for Kafka.
- ksql-jdbc-driver
- Pulsar
- Flink
- Spark
- Heron
- Beam
- Arrow
- Samza
- Nats
- Chronicle-Queue
- CorfuDB
- GenStage
- faust - Python Stream Processing.
- redpanda
- Meteor - Lightweight, broker-less alternative to Kafka for message streaming.
- Passionate Developer: Kafka Streams DSL vs processor API
- Mastering Kafka Streams
- Spark Streaming + Kafka Integration Guide
- CodingJunkie - Random Thoughts on Coding by Bill Bejeck.
- Understanding Kafka with Factorio