web based user interface to create patterns that could be useful for robots that draw in sand with ball bearings.
Nukit Open Air Purifiers are Open Hardware devices for improving indoor air quality. They are designed to be used with North American standard HVAC filters and PC fans. They are often an improvemen…
A SNES emulator for the N64, written in assembly
Source port of the original Doom to the Nintendo 64
Verifies Triforce Images and patches in fitting Headers
Patches to improve the NES Ports in Mega Man Anniversary Collection
Size-optimized ports of Artemio's 240p Test Suite to 8-bit consoles
Some projects for the BBC micro:bit
Super Gameboy core for openFPGA on Analogue Pocket
Namco Dig Dug Compatible Gateware IP Core
Analogue Pocket Neogeo Core compatible with openFPGA
An Arduino library for the Phambili Newt - a low power smart display
All of your NES-SNES-Playstation Classic Modification Needs!
A tool for verifying that .chd/.rvz disc images match Redump Datfiles
This is the disc (CD, GD, DVD, HD-DVD, BD, GC/Wii, XBOX, XBOX 360) and disk (Floppy, MO, USB etc) image creation tool
Tool for using Steam-Input controller rebinding at a system level alongside a global overlay
PCB for /u/LyneByLyne's Pico gameboy cartridge project
A simple tool that allows you to download various game ports that are available for 351Elec/AmberElec, ArkOS, JelOS, RetroOZ, TheRA, and UnofficialOS for the RK3326 and RK3566 devices and the RG552.
Raspberry Pi Pico (RP2040) based IPL replacement modchip for GameCube