This is my first Java Game. This code Open Sourced and you all are free to use and develop it. I tried to create 2D version of MineCraft PC Game, since this game still misses some of its features.
This Is progammer friendly Java Game For Beginners. It covers following concepts of Java and OOP.
- Multi Threading
- Graphics
- BufferStrategy
- BufferedImages
- SpriteSheets
- Assets
- Animations
- Templates
- Listener Classes
- Swing Class
- And Many More.
The features this game consist are listed below.
- World Generator
- Entities
- Animations
- Menu Screen
- Inventory System
- Attack Modules
HOW TO PLAY? Playing is really simple, it is same as any other open world game where your player would be lost in the wilds or any place of the world and you have to survie for your existence.
#Controls These controls can be easily changed within the code.
- W : Move Forword
- A : Move Left
- S : Move Right
- D : Move Down
- UP ARROW: Attact Up
- LEFT ARROW: Attact Left
- RIGHT ARROW: Attact Right
- DOWN ARROW: Attact Down
E Key: To Open and Close Inventory
Many things could be added to this game and many could be altered, all it just depends on your imagination.
Here are some clips from the game.