npm install && npm start
Read and test the API using swagger UI docs using this link
- Import connect.js
- Invoke in start()
- Setup .env in the root
- Add MONGO_URI with correct value
/: type: POST description: "check authentication of user" /register: type: POST description: "register new user" /login: type: POST description: "login existing user"
/: type: POST description: "create new job" /: type: GET description: "get all jobs for current user" /{id}: type: PATCH description: "update existing job" /{id}: type: GET description: "get job with jobID" /{id}: type: DELETE description: "delete job"
Email Validation Regex
- Preprocessor
- pre : convert password into encrypted form before saving into mongoDB
- Methods
- createJWT : create JWT token for user authentication
- comparePassword : compare incoming JWT to passwords in DB for user login authentication
Store used information, with following schema
- company : maxLength
- position : maxLength
- status : [
interview, pending, declined, accepted
] - createdBy : user(ObjectId)
- TimeStamps : True
- Validate - name, email, password - with Mongoose
- Hash Password (with bcryptjs)
- Save User
- Generate Token
- Send Response with Token
- Validate - email, password - in controller
- If email or password is missing, throw BadRequestError
- Find User
- Compare Passwords
- If no user or password does not match, throw UnauthenticatedError
- If correct, generate Token
- Send Response with Token
- Check for authorization header
- Check for bearer header
- Verify JWT token using JWT_SECRET
- If authentication failed throw UnauthenticatedError
- Send response with ok status with payload received after verifying token
- Validation Errors
- Duplicate (Email)
- Cast Error
- helmet
- cors : Ensures that API is accessable from different domains
- xss-clean : Sanitizes user input in req.body, req.query, req.params. Protect from cross-site scripting attack
- express-rate-limit : limit the amount of request user can make
Swagger UI
- in: path
name: id
type: string
required: true
description: the job id
.env values
MONGO_URI: MongoDB database connection link
JWT_SECRET: JWT Secret Value
JWT_LIFETIME: Lifetime of JWT token sended to client (eg 30d, 12d ...etc)