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C++20 static reflection library

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C++20 minimal static reflection library



#include <reflect>

enum E { A, B };
struct foo { int a; E b; };

constexpr auto f = foo{.a = 42, .b = B};

// reflect::size
static_assert(2 == reflect::size(f));

// reflect::type_id
static_assert(reflect::type_id(f.a) != reflect::type_id(f.b));

// reflect::type_name
static_assert("foo"sv == reflect::type_name(f));
static_assert("int"sv == reflect::type_name(f.a));
static_assert("E"sv   == reflect::type_name(f.b));

// reflect::enum_name
static_assert("B"sv == reflect::enum_name(f.b));

// reflect::member_name
static_assert("a"sv == reflect::member_name<0>(f));
static_assert("b"sv == reflect::member_name<1>(f));

// reflect::get
static_assert(42 == reflect::get<0>(f)); // by index
static_assert(B  == reflect::get<1>(f));

static_assert(42 == reflect::get<"a">(f)); // by name
static_assert(B  == reflect::get<"b">(f));

// reflect::to
constexpr auto t = reflect::to<std::tuple>(f);
static_assert(42 == std::get<0>(t));
static_assert(B  == std::get<1>(t));

int main() {
  reflect::for_each([](auto I) {
    std::print("{}.{}:{}={} ({}/{}/{})\n",
        reflect::type_name(f),                  // foo, foo
        reflect::member_name<I>(f),             // a  , b
        reflect::type_name(reflect::get<I>(f)), // int, E
        reflect::get<I>(f),                     // 42 , B
        reflect::size_of<I>(f),                 // 4  , 4
        reflect::align_of<I>(f),                // 4  , 4
        reflect::offset_of<I>(f));              // 0  , 4
  }, f);

// and more (see API)...


Performance/Binary size (

struct foo { int bar; };
auto type_name(const foo& f) { return reflect::type_name(f); }
type_name(foo const&): // $CXX -O3 -DNDEBUG
        lea     rdx, [rip + type_name<foo>]
        mov     eax, 3

        .ascii  "foo"
struct foo { int bar; };
auto member_name(const foo& f) { return reflect::member_name<0>(f); }
member_name(foo const&): // $CXX -O3 -DNDEBUG
        lea     rdx, [rip + member_name<0ul, foo>]
        mov     eax, 3

member_name<0ul, foo>
        .ascii  "bar"
enum class E { A, B, };
auto enum_name(const E e) { return reflect::enum_name(e); }
enum_name(E): // $CXX -O3 -DNDEBUG (generates switch)
        xor     eax, eax
        xor     ecx, ecx
        cmp     edi, 1
        sete    cl
        lea     rdx, [rip + enum_name<0>]
        cmove   rax, rdx
        test    edi, edi
        lea     rdx, [rip + enum_name<1>]
        cmovne  rdx, rax
        mov     eax, 1
        cmovne  rax, rcx

        .ascii  "A"

        .ascii  "B"

Compilation times


time g++-13.2 -x c++ -std=c++20 reflect -c -DDISABLE_STATIC_ASSERT_TESTS   # 0.113s
time g++-13.2 -x c++ -std=c++20 reflect -c                                 # 0.253s
time clang++-17 -x c++ -std=c++20 reflect -c -DDISABLE_STATIC_ASSERT_TESTS # 0.119s
time clang++-17 -x c++ -std=c++20 reflect -c                               # 0.322s


template <class Fn, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto visit(Fn&& fn, T&& t) noexcept;
struct foo { int a; int b; };
static_assert(2 == visit([](auto&&... args) { return sizeof...(args); }, foo{}));
template<class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto size() -> std::size_t;

template<class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto size(const T&) -> std::size_t;
struct foo { int a; int b; } f;
static_assert(2 == size<foo>());
static_assert(2 == size(f));
template <class T> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name() noexcept;
template <class T> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_name(const T&) noexcept;
struct foo { int a; int b; };
static_assert(std::string_view{"foo"} == type_name<foo>());
static_assert(std::string_view{"foo"} == type_name(foo{}));
template <class T> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_id() noexcept;
template <class T> [[nodiscard]] constexpr auto type_id(T&&) noexcept;
struct foo { };
struct bar { };
static_assert(type_id(foo{}) == type_id(foo{}));
static_assert(type_id(bar{}) != type_id<foo>());
template<class E>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto to_underlying(const E e) noexcept;

template<class E> requires std::is_enum_v<E>
consteval auto enum_min(const E = {}) { return REFLECT_ENUM_MIN; }

template<class E> requires std::is_enum_v<E>
consteval auto enum_max(const E = {}) { return REFLECT_ENUM_MAX; }

template<class E,
         fixed_string unknown = "",
         auto Min = enum_min(E{}),
         auto Max = enum_max(E{})>
  requires (std::is_enum_v<E> and Max > Min)
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto enum_name(const E e) noexcept -> std::string_view {
enum class Enum { foo = 1, bar = 2 };
static_assert(std::string_view{"foo"} == enum_name(Enum::foo));
static_assert(std::string_view{"bar"} == enum_name(Enum::bar));
enum class Enum { foo = 1, bar = 1024 };
consteval auto enum_min(Enum) { return Enum::foo; }
consteval auto enum_max(Enum) { return Enum::bar; }

static_assert(std::string_view{"foo"} == enum_name(Enum::foo));
static_assert(std::string_view{"bar"} == enum_name(Enum::bar));
template <std::size_t N, class T>
  requires (std::is_aggregate_v<T> and N < size<T>())
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto member_name(const T& = {}) noexcept;
struct foo { int a; int b; };
static_assert(std::string_view{"a"} == member_name<0, foo>());
static_assert(std::string_view{"a"} == member_name<0>(foo{}));
static_assert(std::string_view{"b"} == member_name<1, foo>());
static_assert(std::string_view{"b"} == member_name<1>(foo{}));
template<std::size_t N, class T>
  requires (std::is_aggregate_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>> and
            N < size<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>())
[[nodiscard]] constexpr decltype(auto) get(T&& t) noexcept;
struct foo { int a; bool b; };
constexpr auto f = foo{.i=42, .b=true};
static_assert(42 == get<0>(f));
static_assert(true == get<1>(f));
template <class T, fixed_string Name> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
concept has_member_name = /*unspecified*/
struct foo { int a; int b; };
static_assert(has_member_name<foo, "a">);
static_assert(has_member_name<foo, "b">);
static_assert(not has_member_name<foo, "c">);
template<fixed_string Name, class T> requires has_member_name<T, Name>
constexpr decltype(auto) get(T&& t) noexcept;
struct foo { int a; int b; };
constexpr auto f = foo{.i=42, .b=true};
static_assert(42 == get<"a">(f));
static_assert(true == get<"b">(f));
template<fixed_string... Members, class TSrc, class TDst>
  requires (std::is_aggregate_v<TSrc> and std::is_aggregate_v<TDst>)
constexpr auto copy(const TSrc& src, TDst& dst) noexcept -> void;
struct foo { int a; int b; };
struct bar { int a{}; int b{}; };

bar b{};
foo f{};

copy(f, b);
assert(b.a == f.a);
assert(b.b == f.b);

copy<"a">(f, b);
assert(b.a == f.a);
assert(0 == b.b);
template<template<class...> class R, class T>
  requires std::is_aggregate_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto to(T&& t) noexcept;
struct foo { int a; int b; };

constexpr auto t = to<std::tuple>(foo{.a=4, .b=2});
static_assert(4 == std::get<0>(t));
static_assert(2 == std::get<1>(t));

auto f = foo{.a=4, .b=2};
auto t = to<std::tuple>(f);
std::get<0>(t) *= 10;
f.b = 42;
assert(40 == std::get<0>(t) and 40 == f.a);
assert(42 == std::get<1>(t) and 42 == f.b);
template<class R, class T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto to(T&& t);
struct foo { int a; int b; };
struct baz { int a{}; int c{}; };

const auto b = to<baz>(foo{.a=4, .b=2});
assert(4 == b.a and 0 == b.c);
template<std::size_t N, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto size_of() -> std::size_t;

template<std::size_t N, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto size_of(T&&) -> std::size_t;

template<std::size_t N, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto align_of() -> std::size_t;

template<std::size_t N, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto align_of(T&&) -> std::size_t;

template<std::size_t N, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto offset_of() -> std::size_t;

template<std::size_t N, class T> requires std::is_aggregate_v<T>
[[nodiscard]] constexpr auto offset_of(T&&) -> std::size_t;
struct foo { int a; bool b; };

static_assert(4 == size_of<0, foo>());
static_assert(1 == size_of<1, foo>());
static_assert(4 == align_of<0, foo>());
static_assert(1 == align_of<1, foo>());
static_assert(0 == offset_of<0, foo>());
static_assert(4 == offset_of<1, foo>());
template<class Fn, class T>
  requires std::is_aggregate_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>
constexpr auto for_each(Fn&& fn) -> void;

template<class Fn, class T>
  requires std::is_aggregate_v<std::remove_cvref_t<T>>
constexpr auto for_each(Fn&& fn, T&& t) -> void;
struct { int a; int b; } f;

reflect::for_each([&f](const auto I) {
  std::print("{}:{}={}", member_name<I>(f), get<I>(f)); // prints a:int=4, b:int=2
}, f);


#define REFLECT 1'1'1               // Current library version (SemVer)
#define REFLECT_ENUM_MIN -1         // Min size for enum name (can be overridden)
                                    // For example: `-DREFLECT_ENUM_MIN=0`
#define REFLECT_ENUM_MAX 1024       // Max size for enum name (can be overridden)
                                    // For example: `-DREFLECT_ENUM_MAX=32`
#define DISABLE_STATIC_ASSERT_TESTS // Disables running static_asserts tests
                                    // Not enabled by default (use with caution)


  • How does reflect compare to

    reflect library only provides basic reflection primitives, mostly via hacks and workarounds to deal with lack of the reflection. is a language proposal with many more features and capabilities. It's like comparing a drop in the ocean to the entire sea!

  • How does reflect work under the hood?

    There are many different ways to implement reflection. reflect uses C++20's structure bindings, concepts and source_location to do it. See visit implementation for more details.

  • How can reflect be agnostic to compiler changes?

    reflect precomputes required prefixes/postfixes to find required names from the source_location::function_name() output for each compiler upon inclusion. Any compiler change will end up with new prefixes/postfixes and won't require additional maintenance.

  • What does it mean that reflect tests itself upon include?

    reflect runs all tests (via static_asserts) upon include. If the include compiles it means all tests are passing and the library works correctly on given compiler, environment.

  • What is compile-time overhead of reflect library?

    reflect include takes ~.2s (that includes running all tests). The most expensive calls are visit and enum_to_name whose timing will depend on the number of reflected elements and/or min/max values provided. There are no recursive template instantiations in the library.

  • Can I disable running tests at compile-time for faster compilation times?

    When DISABLE_STATIC_ASSERT_TESTS is defined static_asserts tests won't be executed upon inclusion. Note: Use with caution as disabling tests means that there are no guarantees upon inclusion that the given compiler/env combination works as expected.

  • How to extend the number of members to be reflected (default: 64)?

    Override visit, for example -

    template <class Fn, class T> // requires
    [[nodiscard]] constexpr decltype(auto) visit(Fn&& fn, T&& t) noexcept {
      auto&& [... ts] = std::forward<T>(t);
      return std::forward<Fn>(fn)(std::forward_like<T>(ts)...);
  • How to integrate with CMake/CPM?

      Name reflect
      GITHUB_REPOSITORY boost-ext/reflect
      GIT_TAG v1.1.1
    add_library(reflect INTERFACE)
    target_include_directories(reflect SYSTEM INTERFACE ${reflect_SOURCE_DIR})
    add_library(reflect::reflect ALIAS reflect)
    target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} reflect::reflect);
  • Similar projects?

    boost.pfr, glaze, reflect-cpp, magic_enum

Disclaimer reflect is not an official Boost library.


C++20 static reflection library






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