npm install vue-chat-ui --save
├── build
├── config
├── preview // project preview image
├── src // the source files
│ ├── assets // static image resource
│ ├── components
│ │ ├── chat_area.vue // provide chatting view
│ │ ├── chat_cell.vue // a cell include contact simple data
│ │ ├── chat_dialog.vue // pop dialog
│ │ ├── chat_group.vue // chat-cell group
│ │ ├── chat_header.vue // top header
│ │ └── chat_pop_bubble.vue // small bubble clickable
│ ├── pages
│ │ ├── chat.vue // chat-each-other view
│ │ ├── index.vue // contact list
│ │ ├── overview.vue // contact profile view
│ │ ├── page_transition.vue // page transition animate
│ │ ├── pay.vue // pay for VIP
│ │ └── theme.vue // change theme
│ ├── router
│ │ └── index.js // vue router setting
│ ├── scripts // scripts resource
│ ├── styles // css resource
│ ├── App.vue // page entry file
│ └── main.js // program entry file, load components
├── .babelrc
├── .gitigore
├── data.json // analog data of back end
├── index.html // entry html
├── package-lock.json
├── package.json
Provide the conversation view and the message sender of each chatting.
props Introductions type default height Chatting area height. Number 300 contactAvatar URL of other avartar, display on the left. String - ownerAvatar URL of own avartar, display on the right. String - oriData Chat message, once at start time. Array []
events Introductions return on-avatar-click Triggered when a avatar is clicked. Which avatar was clicked (0: own, 1: other). load-more Drag to top and get more data. A function callback contains success status and data. on-msg-send Triggered when the message to be sent is ready and the sending button is clicked. The message of sending. When you received a new message, use
this.$bus.emit('new-chat-data', message)
on parent to provide the new message to this component.
A cell include contact avatar, nickname, last massage and time.
props Introductions type default avatar Avartar URL. String '' nickname Nickname or display name. String '' msg The last message. String '' time The sent time of last message. String '' circle-avatar Display the avatar in circle or not. Boolean false
The contacts list container, each info including other's avatar, the last message of the chat, the last time. Consists of the
props Introductions type default data Contacts list data. Array []
events Introductions return on-cell-click A item is clicked. click index, content.
Pop a dialog in custom.
props Introductions type default type Dialog type (text dialog or input dialog). Number 0 show Dialog display. Boolean false title Dialog title. String false content Dialog content. String '' positive-btn Display text on positive button. String 'Confirm' negative-btn Display text on negative button. String 'Cancel'
events Introductions return positive-btn-click When the positive button is pressed. content negative-btn-click When the nagative button is pressed. -
The top header.
props Introductions type default height The height occupied by the header. Number 50 back Display the back option. Boolean true title The content of the header. String '' fixed The position of the header use fixed or not. Boolean false