The ultimate SMS app for Android, available across all of your devices
The official Python SDK for Sensors Analytics
神策数据官方 Java 埋点 SDK,是一款轻量级用于 Java 端的数据采集埋点 SDK。
神策数据官方 Android 埋点 SDK,是一款轻量级用于 Android 端的数据采集埋点 SDK,包含代码埋点、全埋点、点击图和可视化全埋点功能。全埋点通过配合神策官方 Android 埋点插件来实现,神策数据官方 Android 埋点插件使用字节码插桩(ASM)的技术实现 Android 端的全埋点(无埋点、无码埋点、无痕埋点、自动埋点)。
Node.js scraper to get data from Google Play
Pixel Launcher with a few added useful options
A modern, easy and customizable app manager for Android with Material Design
A complete and graceful API for wechat mp. 完备优雅的微信公众号接口,原生支持同步、协程使用。
A complete and graceful API for Wechat. 微信个人号接口、微信机器人及命令行微信,三十行即可自定义个人号机器人。
Cross-client authorization sample for Android
An easy, flexible way to add a shimmering effect to any view in an Android app.
(DEPRECATED) An Android TextView with a shimmering effect
orvice / shadowsocks-go
Forked from shadowsocks/shadowsocks-gogo port of shadowsocks
💸 WeChat's lucky money helper (微信抢红包插件) by Zhongyi Tong. An Android app that helps you snatch red packets in WeChat groups.
Modification of ZXING Barcode Scanner project for easy Android QR-Code detection and AR purposes
ZXing ("Zebra Crossing") barcode scanning library for Java, Android
Countly is a product analytics platform that helps teams track, analyze and act-on their user actions and behaviour on mobile, web and desktop applications.
OkGo - 3.0 震撼来袭,该库是基于 Http 协议,封装了 OkHttp 的网络请求框架,比 Retrofit 更简单易用,支持 RxJava,RxJava2,支持自定义缓存,支持批量断点下载管理和批量上传管理功能
SVG to Android VectorDrawable XML resource file
👓 Tint you Icons, change the size, apply alpha color and set a position easily.