This application is developed using:
- Spring R2DBC & WebFlux for API;
- PostgreSQL for database;
- Maven for building;
- Axios for consuming;
- Docker for containerization.
The stable releases of the following technologies are used:
Technology | Version |
JDK | 17+ |
Spring Boot | 3.0+ |
Lombok | 1.18+ |
PostgreSQL | 42+ |
Maven | 3.8+ |
Axios | 1.3+ |
Bootstrap | 4.6+ |
Docker | 20+ |
P.S. For production purposes, only Docker is sufficient.
For development purposes, follow as below:
Run the Docker Container with this command:
docker run --detach --env POSTGRES_USER=dev-user --env POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dev-pass --env POSTGRES_DB=dev-todos --name dev-pgsql --publish 5432:5432 postgres:15.2-alpine
Use the following properties for Spring in the "" file:
Run the "TodosApplication" class with this command:
mvn spring-boot:run
Go to this URL to consume the API:
Open the "index.html" file to test it.
Connect to the PostgreSQL DB at the following URL:
... with these credentials:
For production purposes, follow as below:
Run the Docker Compose with this command:
docker-compose up
Go to this URL to consume the API:
Open the "index.html" file to check it.
Stop the Docker Compose with this command:
docker-compose down
Connect to the PostgreSQL DB at the following URL:
... with these credentials:
Thank you for using it!