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Expense Manager

Expense Manager is a Java-based Spring-Boot project for managing expenses. It provides functionality for tracking and managing expenses, vendors, and bill payments.


  • The application creates a default admin user with username: admin and password: password at startup.
  • script creates the database schema and users required for the application to run.
  • The application uses the default port 8080. If you want to change the port, you can do so by changing the server.port property in the application.yml file.


  • Track and manage expenses
  • Manage vendors and bill payments
  • Integration with MySQL database
  • Docker compose support for setting up MySQL database
  • Spring Security for authentication and authorization
  • Uses Flyway for database migration


  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 or higher
  • install Amazon Corretto 17 JDK from if needed (optional if you don't currently have JDK 17 installed)
  • Docker engine with docker-compose
  • make sure the following ports are available:
    • 8080 for the application
    • 3306 for MySQL database
  • make sure JAVA_HOME is set to the JDK 17 or higher installation directory if you plan to run it from the command line

Getting Started

  • Recommended build tool is Gradle using the Gradle wrapper(./gradlew).
  1. Clone the repository using either HTTPS or SSH:

    # using HTTPS
    git clone
    # using SSH
    git clone [email protected]:subhayu1/expense-manager.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory and create the log file.

    cd expense-manager && touch logs/app.log
  3. Create Private and Public Keys for JWT token generation and verification

      chmod -x ./ 
       bash -x ./
  4. create the database using docker-compose. this will create the database and the required users by running the init.sql script at startup

     docker-compose up -d
  5. run the Migration manually to create the tables if needed. However, Spring should auto-run the migration at startup

    ./gradlew flywayInfo
  6. Build the project using Maven or Gradle(recommended)

    mvn clean install


    ./gradlew clean build
  7. Run the application using Maven or Gradle(recommended). Flyway will automatically create the database tables

    mvn spring-boot:run


    ./gradlew bootRun
  8. Access the application in your web browser:


Testing functionality using Postman

  • Import the postman collection from the src/main/resources folder.

  • Alternatively the following link can be used to access the collection:
  • First, get the access token by sending a POST request to the following URL using basic auth with username: admin and password: password:

  • Copy the access token from the response if you want to use Swagger UI.

Testing functionality using Swagger UI

  • Access the Swagger UI in your web browser:

  • Click on the Authorize button and enter the access token you got from the Postman response in the appropriate field.

  • Call the APIs to test the functionality.

Using Docker Image to run the application

-- Not implemented yet --


  • Unit tests are written using JUnit 5 and Mockito.

  • Integration tests are written using JUnit 5 and RESTAssured and uses TestContainers to spin up test databases.

  • To run the tests, run the following command:

    mvn clean test


    ./gradlew clean test
  • To run integration test (only implemented with Gradle) run the following command:

    ./gradlew  testInteg
  • To run database migration manually, run the following command:

     ./gradlew flywayMigrate

CI Pipeline

  • CircleCI is used for CI pipeline.
  • The pipeline is configured to run the unit and integration tests and build the application.

Database fields

User Table

Column Type Description
id bigint A unique identifier for each user. It's a primary key and auto-increments with each new entry.
password varchar(255) The password for the user.
role varchar(255) The role of the user.
username varchar(255) The username of the user. It's unique for each user.

Vendor Table

Column Type Description
id bigint A unique identifier for each vendor. It's a primary key and auto-increments with each new entry.
name varchar(255) The name of the vendor. It's a required field.
externalid varchar(30) An external identifier for the vendor. It's unique and required.
vendortype int The type of the vendor. 1 for individual, 2 for company.
address1 varchar(255) The first line of the vendor's address.
address2 varchar(255) The second line of the vendor's address.
city varchar(255) The city of the vendor's address.
state varchar(2) The state of the vendor's address.
zip int The zip code of the vendor's address.
phone varchar(10) The phone number of the vendor.
email varchar(255) The email of the vendor.
createddate TIMESTAMP The date when the vendor was created.
updateddate TIMESTAMP The date when the vendor was last updated.

Bill Payment Table

Column Type Description
id bigint A unique identifier for each bill payment. It's a primary key and auto-increments with each new entry.
vendorid bigint The id of the vendor to whom the payment is made. It's a foreign key referencing the vendor table.
paymentmethod int The method of payment. 1 for check, 2 for credit card, 3 for cash, 4 for ACH, 5 for other.
paymentreference varchar(255) The reference for the payment.
paymentdate timestamp The date when the payment was made.
createddate timestamp The date when the payment was created.
paymentamount decimal(38,2) The amount of the payment.
paymentapplicationstatus int The status of the payment application. 1 for partially applied, 2 for fully applied, 3 for unapplied.

Expense Table

Column Type Description
id bigint A unique identifier for each expense. It's a primary key and auto-increments with each new entry.
vendorid bigint The id of the vendor who is associated with the expense. It's a foreign key referencing the vendor table.
totalamount decimal(38,2) The total amount of the expense. It's a required field.
amountdue decimal(38,2) The amount due of the expense. It's a required field.
paymentamount decimal(38,2) The amount of the payment for the expense.
duedate datetime(6) The due date of the expense.
description varchar(255) The description of the expense.
createddate timestamp The date when the expense was created.
updateddate timestamp The date when the expense was last updated.
paymentstatus int The status of the payment. 1 for partially paid, 2 for fully paid, 3 for unpaid.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.


No description, website, or topics provided.







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