Every month, publish at mid of month.
- Wechat Public Account, owner: 1 block
- Zhihu channel, owner: @Kaichao Sun
- Email (tinyletter, substack, TBD)
Github: substrate-newsletter
知乎专栏: Substrate区块链开发
微信公众号: 一块Plus
- Use Github for adding new contents in a file named as the newsletter release date
- After the release date (the second Saturday), move the file in the archive folder. And create a new file for next newsletter.
- Publish the latest newsletter in the archive folder for different platforms.
- Codes: Substrate, Polkadot, w3f org, DevHub, xcm-format
- Twitter: parity, w3f
- Blogs: Polkadot, parity
- Videos: seminar, youtube
- 重要提交和发布
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- 跨链协议
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