Repository for The Complete React Interview Guide book
Written by Sudheer Jonna and Andrew Baisden. Powered by Pack publishing, UK.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1, Brace yourself for interview preparation
- Prepare your resume and cover letter
- Build your Github profile or website portfolio
- Where to find jobs and LinkedIn
- Meetups and referrals
- Interview tips
Chapter 2, Understanding ReactJS fundamentals and its major features
- Prerequisites to ReactJS
- Introduce ReactJS and JSX
- Building views with elements and components
- Controlling the component data using props and state
- Knowing the importance of key prop
- Learning event handling
- Understanding Virtual DOM
- Difference between Unidirectional data flow and bidirectional data flow
- Accessing DOM elements in React
- Describing how to manage state globally using Context API
- Understanding Server-side rendering technique
Chapter 3, Hooks: Bring state, lifecycle and other features in functional components
- Introduction to Hooks and their purpose
- Local state management using hooks
- Global state management using hooks
- Performing side-effects in application
- Accessing DOM nodes using Ref hooks
- Optimizing the application performance
- Learning about popular third-party hooks
- Building your own hooks
- Troubleshooting and debugging hooks
Chapter 4, Handling routing and internationalisation
- Navigating screens and introduction to React Router
- Routes, types of routes, route and Link
- Adding routes
- Access URL parameters
- Nesting routes
- Introduce Internationalisation and localization
- Adding translations and formatted messages
- Passing arguments and placeholders
Chapter 5, Advanced concepts of ReactJS
- Exploring portals
- Understanding error boundaries
- Managing asynchronous actions with suspense API
- Optimizing rendering performance using concurrent rendering
- Debugging React applications with Profiler API
- Strict mode
- Static type checking
- React in mobile environment and its features
Chapter 6, Redux: The best state management solution
- Understanding Flux pattern and Redux
- Core principles of Redux, components and APIs
- Redux middleware: Saga and Thunk
- Debugging applications using Redux DevTools
Chapter 7, Different approaches to apply CSS in ReactJS
- Different solutions to apply CSS
- Processors and CSS Modules
- CSS-IN-JS approach and Styled components and it’s usage
- How to use styled components in React application
Chapter 8, Testing and debugging the React Application
- Introduction of React testing helpers
- Setup/teardown
- Data fetching and mocking data
- Events and timers
- React DevTools for debugging and analysis
Chapter 9, Rapid development with Next.js, Gatsby and Remix frameworks
- React supercharged with full-stack frameworks
- Static site generation
- Server Side rendering
- Adding page metadata
Chapter 10, Cracking any real-world programming task
- Prepare your development environment
- Choose right scaffolding tools or templates
- Deciding the application architecture
- Test your code
- Create your git repository with REAMDE and share it
Chapter 11, Ex #1: Build an App based on React Hooks/Redux, styled components and Firebase backend
- Quick introduction to React concepts, Styled components and Firebase
- Planning the application architecture
- Build the business logic
- Build the presentation layer
Chapter 12, Ex #2: Build an App based on NextJS toolkit, authentication, SWR, GraphQL and deployment
- Quick introduction to REST APIs
- Planning the application architecture including authentication, SWR, GraphQL, and deployment
- Build the business logic
- Build the presentation layer
- Implement testing
- Deploy the application to access it for public
- Create git repository with README documentation
- Quiz: Test your coding skills