Using PySpark for Natural language Processing
- Cleaning
- Processing
- Charting
- NLP stopword removal
- Remove all non-leters
- To get data text from URL
import urllib.request
urllib.request.urlretrieve("", "/tmp/gutenberg.txt")
- to transfer the data and Storing the data in gutenberg.txt"file:/tmp/gutenberg.txt", "dbfs:/data/gutenberg.txt")
rawRDD = sc.textFile("dbfs:/data/gutenberg.txt")
- Flatmap from one to many(one line of text to many words)
- cast everything to lowercase
- strip whitespace from beginning and end split by our delimiter (space, commma)
- map() into intermediate key-value pairs
- filter() to get just some records
- reduceByKey() to get the count
- flatmap each line to words
wordsRDD = rawRDD.flatMap(lambda line : line.lower().strip().split(" "))
- map() words to (words,1) intermediate key-value pairs.
- removing punctutations.
- prepare to clean stopwords and remove spaces and empty words
import re
cleanTokenRDD = w: re.sub(r'[^a-zA-Z]','',w))
from import StopWordsRemover
removes =StopWordsRemover()
stopWords = removes.getStopWords()
cleanWordsRDD=cleanTokenRDD.filter(lambda w: w not in stopWords)
FinalcleanWordsRDD = cleanWordsRDD.filter(lambda x: x != "")
IKVPairsRDD= word: (word,1))
- reduceByKey() to get (word, count) results
wordsCountRDD = IKVPairsRDD.reduceByKey(lambda acc, value: acc+value)
results = x: (x[1], x[0])).sortByKey(False).take(20)
- collect() action to get back to Python
finalresults = wordsCountRDD.collect()
- Plot Options... was used to configure the graph below.
- The Key is Year and appears on the X-Axis.
- The Series groupings is Product and there is a different color to denote each of those.
- The Values is salesAmount and appears on the Y-Axis.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from collections import Counter
source = 'The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Iliad, by Homer'
title = 'Top 20 Words in ' + source
xlabel = 'Count (No.of occourences)'
ylabel = 'Words'
# create Pandas dataframe from list of tuples
df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(results, columns =[xlabel, ylabel])
# create plot (using matplotlib)
sns.barplot(xlabel, ylabel, data=df, palette="rocket").set_title(title)