///// Suman library documentation => oresoftware.github.io/suman
# βΊ Quick reference
=> For command line tools: ## ```npm install -g suman```
=> For test suites in your project: ## ```$ suman --init```
=> to convert a Mocha test or whole directory(s) of Mocha tests to Suman tests use
$ suman --convert <src-file/src-dir> <dest-file/dest-dir>
=> to simply install Suman as dev-dependency in any project you can use $ npm install -D suman
however $ suman --init
is the preferred way to initialized suman in a given project.
# βΊ About
(disclaimers: Suman is in beta, despite the current version number; Suman supports Node versions >= 4.0)
Suman is a new test runner for Node.js and is focused on high-throughput maximum concurrency asynchronous testing of backend services.
Suman is feature-rich and very fun to use. Suman is designed to be a direct successor to Mocha, Tape and Jasmine, and to compete with the new Node.js test runner AVA; it's aim is to be more sophisticated and featureful than it's predecessors any competition. Suman was designed so that there would be a super simple migration path from Mocha to Suman, but also provide massive improvements over Mocha, specifically for backend testing. Mocha is most familiar to us and perhaps to you - Mocha was a great test library, but has many bugs and shortcomings that we experienced ourselves over time, and eventually we wanted a test runner that we could use that was more robust and more streamlined than Mocha, that was also enterprise-grade. We are experienced Mocha users and know exactly what Mocha is missing (but we will take feature requests from you too!). Suman is designed for powerful and full-featured testing of integrated and asynchronous networked systems, and is not currently intended to be used for front-end testing. (Your backend testing framework and front-end testing framework should probably be different if you want them both to be powerful and full-featured). This library gives you features for backend testing that are not available in other testing frameworks since this library is not constained by the requirement that it must run in the browser. The bottom line is that all the problems with Mocha were fixed by this library. If you have a special question, concern or requirement don't hesitate to open an issue to see if Suman has you covered.
Suman was written to support Linux, OSX and Windows
- In Mocha, Tape and Jasmine suites were not run in separate processes (necessary for isolation, speed and independence of test results)
- Using Mocha, Tape and Jasmine everything was not only run in a single process but all test cases and hooks were also run in series, which takes unnecessary amounts of time for tests utilizing async I/O
- Mocha prescribed no solution to the problem of starting up the services necessary to do system/integration testing -using Mocha/Tape/AVA is up to the developer to manually start those services, which makes automated testing basically impossible.
- Mocha and Jasmine could not move forward with ES6/ES7 features due to certain software patterns used (globals and complex context binding)
- a BIG ONE: clean reporting - at the command line, using Mocha and Jasmine, logging/debugging output by the developer would obfuscate the test results, nullifying any advantage of reporting tools. Suman has a simple trick up its sleeve to allow for 100% clean reporting for any test or group of tests.
- Mocha and Jasmine could not have certain useful serverside features, because they were also constained by running in the browser.
- Mocha lacked real ability to do true dynamic testing (meaning, registering a dynamic number of it() test cases) => e.g., make a network call, get X values, create a test case for each.
- Mocha had confusing and obfuscated context values (values for 'this'), which we have greatly simplified, allowing for the usage of arrow functions, etc
- Mocha, Jasmine and Tape lack some other nice features that are implemented by Suman. For example, Tape's ability to pre-load modules using the command line before running tests is nowhere near as powerful or easy to use as the dependency injection ability of this library.
- Using Mocha, Tape, Jasmine you could not easily pass data to tests, to reuse the same test code for different scenarios; Suman allows you to pass dynamic data to tests using dependency injection.
- "Just works"
- Stick to Node core modules
- You don't need to transpile if you don't want to, as ES6 generators + Promises can give you the same coding patterns as ES7 async/await
- Use stream APIs when possible and reasonable
- Provide a full-featured, non-dumbed-down API that's easy to get started with, and intuitive to use over the long-run.
- Listen to what the community wants.
- Leverage Javascript's strengths.
- Don't be lazy.
- As Suman is a command line application, we can utilize a more functional programming style
- Details matter*
- Most Node.js test frameworks don't 'feel' robust enough to test mission critical systems => Suman was written to provide a highly robust test framework to the Node.js community.
- => tdd/bdd interfaces
- => easy migration from Mocha (it's automated, see below)
- => extremely powerful, while aiming to be straightforward, clean, concise, consistent and accurate
- => designed with ES6 and ES7 in mind, including Promises, async/await and generators
Improved mechanics, syntax and semantics
- Pass data from test cases to hooks and back to test cases using the value option of a test case, and t.data in the hook (not really possible with Mocha, and very much a missing feature)
- done callback function is now accompanied by other functions that have unique meanings and behavior
- encapsulation and immutability are utilized much more effectively than with Mocha etc
Full-blown concurrency
- your tests will run much, much faster
- suites are run in separate Node.js processes for speed and isolation
- test cases in any given suite can be run concurrently, using asynchronous I/O
- capability to control maximum number of processes running at a time
- capability to add constaints to prevent any given pair of tests from running at the same time
Improved reporting
- using the Suman test runner, you can prevent any logging output from mixing with test reports
- Suman includes a standard web reporter that you can use to share test results with your team, using the Suman server
- Suman server provides ability to store past test results (backdata) and view test results chronologically with browser to look at trends
- SQLite database stores testing back-data and gives you credibility because you can easily share test run results with your team
Use suman.once.js to run hooks before the test runner starts
- these hooks can be used to start the services necessary for any given test file to run successfully
Very simple but powerful dependency injection (DI/IoC)
- most useful for injecting values acquired asynchronously, such as successful network connections and database values
- inspired by familiar tools such as Angular and RequireJS
- load any core/"built-in" Node.js module by name
- DI is used throughout the library, and relieves the burden on the developer to remember order of parameters
- Inject network values, test dependencies and library dependencies
- the truth is, once you have more than 3 or 4 dependencies (params to a function), it's easier to design the API to inject them rather than deal with contingincies, which is why Angular and RequireJS, while having often many more than 5 params use DI, as well as Suman
Test runner tuning
- Add contraints to prevent any given pair of tests from running at the same time
- Cap the total number of processes running at the same time
- Suman 'once' feature gives developer the option to run checks to see if all necessary network components are live before running any given test
Easy migration from Mocha
- Suman includes a command line option to convert whole directories or individual Mocha tests to Suman tests
- before/after/beforeEach/afterEach hooks behave just like in Mocha
- solid command line tools and better grep facilities than predecessors
- skip/only also work like Mocha
Freedom: Suman is not highly opinionated, but gives you powerful features
- Suman prefers the standard core assert Node module (Suman has unopinionated assertions), but like Mocha you can use any assertion lib that throws errors
- Callbacks, promises, async/await, generators and event-emitters/streams are supported in any test case or hook.
- no globals whatsoever, which were avoided due to the problems they caused for Jasmine and Mocha.
- Suman uses domains to isolate errors in asynchronous tests and hooks, and currently this is the only solution to this problem at the moment. Domains are facing deprecation, and Suman will replace domains with whichever suitable replacement is chosen by the Node.js core technical committee.
- we designed Suman with details in mind
- much better semantics, with new standard functions alongside Mocha's 'done' callback: 'ctn', 'pass', 'fail' and 'fatal' are new functions each with a unique purpose and meaning, and done is still in Suman's API with the same meaning as Mocha!
- friendly error messages, that also get sent to suman-stderr.log for reference
- when debugging, (the debug flag is set) timeouts will automatically be set to 'infinity'
We can say with some confidence that Suman is the most powerful test framework for serverside JavaScript on planet Earth
=> as it gives the developer total control and access to a very large set of features, with the explicit goal of being bug-free first, full-featured second.
Suman is as simple as you want it to be; but it's also jam-packed with features that you can use.
import * as suman from 'suman';
const Test = suman.init(module);
Test.describe('ES6/ES7 API Example', function(baz, assert, path, http){ // this is our root test suite.
// we have injected some core modules by name (http, assert, path)
// we have also injected a module from our own project, baz
this.beforeEach((t, done, fatal) => {
const req = http.request({
hostname: 'example.com'
}, res => {
var data = '';
res.on('data', function($data){
data += $data;
res.on('end', function(){
t.data.foo = data;
req.on('error', fatal);
this.it('detects metal', t => {
assert(t.moo = 'kabab');
this.it('uses ES7', async t => {
const val = await baz.doSomethingAsync();
assert(path.resolve(val.foo) === '/bar');
It is recommended to avoid adding the extra complexity of transpiling your tests from ES7 So using ES5 with some sprinkles of ES6 is just fine :)
const suman = require('suman');
const Test = suman.init(module);
Test.describe('ES5 API Example', {mode: 'parallel'}, function(delay, assert){
Node-able | Supports ES6/ES7 features | Supports test isolation using multiple Node.js processes | Concurrency within suites | Dependency Injection | |
Mocha | No | No | No | No | No |
Jasmine | No | No | No | No | No |
Tape | Yes | No | No | No | No |
AVA | No | Yes | Yes | Yes | No |
Suman | Yep, you can run any given test suite with the plain old node executable | Yep, Suman will support all features | Yep | Yep | Yep |
Implicit globals | Forces you to use their assertion library madness | Confusing bind(this) contexts madness | Developer debugging / console.log output mixed with test output madness | t.plan() and t.end() madness | no concurrency madness | |
Mocha | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Jasmine | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | No | Yes |
Tape | No | Yes | No | Yes | Yes | Yes |
AVA | No | Yes | No | ? | Yes | No |
Suman | Nope | Nope, Suman prefers the Node.js core assert module | Nope, Suman greatly simplifies the context puzzle that Mocha provided | Nope, Suman runner uses silent option with child_process so your output doesn't mix with the test results | Nope, tests are just plain objects and you don't need to explicitly call .end() | Nope |
- see: /examples directory
- see: https://medium.com/@the1mills/introducing-suman-a-node-js-testing-library-20fdae524cd
The Service Level Agreement is that Suman will constantly be up-to-date with the newest features available via the node executable. We will focus on what's in Node and not what's available in Babel or other transpilers. That being said, we will also work to ensure Babel features are also supported, but we will primarily focus on making Suman completely bug-free when it comes to the latest version of Node, not the latest abilities of Babel or the like. By the time any ES6/ES7/ES8 feature is available in Node, it will be supported by Suman. We want to emphasize the utility of just running things with the plain old Node executable, as opposed to adding the complexity of transpilation.
Q: Why does Suman strictly enforce parameter/argument names?
A: Suman does this for three main reasons:
- Consistency - someone looks at the tests you wrote and they immediate recognize the variables because the names are given
- Suman can better analyze your code for mistakes if it knows the variable names you use
- Dependency injection - the order of your dependencies doesn't matter as long as you stick to the naming convention, which is pretty nice
Q: Why dependency injection in Node.js? Isn't it a waste of time?
- A: Normally it is. Dependency injection is very useful in the browser and is used by both Angular and RequireJS. In Node.js we usually have all our dependencies or we can easily load our dependencies synchronously on demand with the require function. However, with test suites, it was until now impossible to load dependencies and values asynchronously before registering test cases. DI allows you truly awesome ability to create and procure values asynchronously before any tests are run, and injecting the values in any test suite you wish.
Q: Can I use arrow functions?
- A: Yes you can use arrow functions anywhere except for the describe callbacks
Suman borrows some excellent features from Mocha that AVA seems to ignore, including the ability to use nested describe statements for more control and preventing the sharing of scope within tests. AVA basically co-opted Tape and added concurrency. Suman co-opted Mocha, added concurrency, better reporting, dependency injection and less confusing contexts for hooks. Suman has more powerful facilities for asynchronous testing than AVA due to Mocha/Jasmine-style hooks and nested describes. Dependency injection ability also makes Suman extremely convenient and fun to use, compared to AVA. Suman is simply much more powerful and richer in features than AVA.
If you are familiar with Mocha and like both its power and simplicity, you may prefer Suman over Ava, and Suman provides the simplest migration path from Mocha. As was stated AVA draws more from Tape and Suman draws more from Mocha. Suman was designed to make the transition from Mocha to be seamless.
** dependency arrays of strings exist so that during minification we can still know where to inject dependencies, that's why Angular and RequireJS have deps arrays of strings - they don't get corrupted by minification/uglification. But in testing frameworks, it is very unlikely we need to minify, so we can go without the dep array 99% of the time, and just use metaprogramming with the callback argument list to locate the dependencies
Note that because Suman should be installed as a devDependency, it won't show up as being used in the standard
NPM badge:
Looking for open source dev(s):
Suman is currently looking for a full-stack web developer experienced with both Node.js and React to split the plaudits for this project, and who is interested in contributing to open source with the notion that it's very unlikely any monetary gains will be seen from it :) This project yearns for a really excellent web reporter UI and corresponding backend to support it, and what we have now is just the beginning when it comes to the web reporter.
Here is a screenshot of the web reporter as it is now: https://goo.gl/LE5xLo
With some work it could prove to be indispensable for developers working with this lib. This project is very multifaceted and it will involve full-stack work with SQLite, Express and React. Relative newbs welcome. Thanks!