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A dockerised OpenVPN server using LDAP for authentication, with optional 2FA via Google Authenticator


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OpenVPN container

This will create an OpenVPN server. You can either use LDAP for authentication (with optional 2FA provided by Google Auth) or create a client certificate.
The container will automatically generate the certificates on the first run (using a 2048 bit key) which means that the initial run could take several minutes whilst keys are generated. The client configuration will be output in the logs. A volume is created for data persistence.

A note about the VORACLE attack

The VORACLE ATTACK uses a vulnerability in OpenVPN's traffic compression. It is highly recommended that you disable compression using OVPN_ENABLE_COMPRESSION=false.
Compression is enabled by default for backwards-compatibility - if either the client or server's configuration has comp-lzo set and the other doesn't then the tunnel will break. Compression was set without an option to disable it in previous versions of this container, so all previous client configurations will have it enabled.


Configuration is via environmental variables. Here's a list, along with the default value in brackets:

Mandatory settings:

  • OVPN_SERVER_CN: The CN that will be used to generate the certificate and the endpoint hostname the client will use to connect to the OpenVPN server. e.g.

Mandatory when USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE is false (the default):

  • LDAP_URI: The URI used to connect to the LDAP server. e.g. ldap://
  • LDAP_BASE_DN: The base DN used for LDAP lookups. e.g. dc=example,dc=org.

Optional settings:

  • USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE (false): If this is set to true then the container will generate a client key and certificate and won't use LDAP (or OTP) for authentication. See Using a client certificate for more information.

  • LDAP_BIND_USER_DN (undefined): If your LDAP server doesn't allow anonymous binds, use this to specify a user DN to use for lookups.

  • LDAP_BIND_USER_PASS (undefined): The password for the bind user.

  • LDAP_FILTER ((objectClass=posixAccount)): A filter to apply to LDAP lookups. This allows you to limit the lookup results and thereby who will be authenticated. e.g. (memberOf=cn=staff,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org). See Filtering for more information.

  • LDAP_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE (uid): The LDAP attribute used for the authentication lookup, i.e. which attribute is matched to the username when you log into the OpenVPN server.

  • LDAP_ENCRYPT_CONNECTION (off): Options: on|starttls|off. This sets the 'ssl' option in nslcd. on will connect to the LDAP server over TLS (SSL). starttls will initially connect unencrypted and negotiate a TLS connection if one is available. off will disable SSL/TLS.

  • LDAP_TLS (false): Changes (overrides) LDAP_ENCRYPT_CONNECTION to starttls (this setting is for backwards-compatibility with previous versions).

  • LDAP_TLS_VALIDATE_CERT (true): Set to 'true' to ensure the TLS certificate can be validated. 'false' will ignore certificate issues - you might need this if you're using a self-signed certificate and not passing in the CA certificate.

  • LDAP_TLS_CA_CERT (undefined): The contents of the CA certificate file for the LDAP server. You'll need this to enable TLS when using self-signed certificates.

  • ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_COMPAT_MODE (false): Sets LDAP_LOGIN_ATTRIBUTE to sAMAccountName and LDAP_FILTER to (objectClass=user), which allows LDAP lookups to work with Active Directory. This will override any value you've manually set for those settings.

  • OVPN_TLS_CIPHERS (TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-256-CBC-SHA256:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-CAMELLIA-256-CBC-SHA:TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-AES-128-CBC-SHA): Determines which ciphers will be set for tls-cipher in the openvpn config file.

  • OVPN_PROTOCOL (udp): The protocol OpenVPN uses. Either udp or tcp.

  • OVPN_INTERFACE_NAME (tun): The name of the network tunnel interface OpenVPN uses.

  • OVPN_NETWORK ( The network that will be used the the VPN in network_address netmask format.

  • OVPN_ROUTES (undefined): A comma-separated list of routes that OpenVPN will push to the client, in network_address netmask format. e.g., If NAT isn't enabled then you'll need to ensure that destinations on the network have the return route set for the OpenVPN network. The default is to pass all traffic through the VPN tunnel (which will also enable NAT).

  • OVPN_NAT (true): If set to true then the client traffic will be masqueraded by the OpenVPN server. This allows you to connect to targets on the other side of the tunnel without needing to add return routes to those targets (the targets will see the OpenVPN server's IP rather than the client's).

  • OVPN_DNS_SERVERS (undefined): A comma-separated list of DNS nameservers to push to the client. Set this if the remote network has its own DNS or if you route all traffic through the VPN and the remote side blocks access to external name servers. Note that not all OpenVPN clients will automatically use these nameservers. e.g.,

  • OVPN_DNS_SEARCH_DOMAIN (undefined): If using the remote network's DNS servers, push a search domain. This will allow you to lookup by hostnames rather than fully-qualified domain names. i.e. setting this to will allow ping remotehost instead of ping

  • OVPN_REGISTER_DNS (false): Include register-dns in the client config, which is a Windows client option that can force some clients to load the DNS configuration.

  • OVPN_ENABLE_COMPRESSION (true): Enable this to add comp-lzo to the server and client configuration. This will compress traffic going through the VPN tunnel.

  • OVPN_IDLE_TIMEOUT (undefined): The number of seconds before an idle VPN connection will be disconnected. This also prevents the client reconnecting due to a keepalive heartbeat timeout. You might want to use this setting for compliance reasons (e.g. PCI_DSS). See Keepalive settings for more information

  • OVPN_VERBOSITY (4): The verbosity of OpenVPN's logs.

  • OVPN_DEFAULT_SERVER (true): If true, the OpenVPN server <network> <netmask> directive will be generated in the server configuration file. If false, you have to configure the server yourself by using OVPN_EXTRA.

  • OVPN_EXTRA (undefined): Additional configuration options which will be appended verbatim to the server configuration.

  • OVPN_MANAGEMENT_ENABLE (false): Enable the TCP management interface on port 5555. This service allows raw TCP and telnet connections, check the docs for further information.

  • OVPN_MANAGEMENT_NOAUTH (false): Allow access to the management interface without any authentication. Note that this option should only be enabled if the management port is not accessible to the internet.

  • OVPN_MANAGEMENT_PASSWORD (undefined): The password for the management interface. This has to be set if the interface is enabled and the OVPN_MANAGEMENT_NOAUTH option is not set. Note that this password is stored in clear-text internally.

  • REGENERATE_CERTS (false): Force the recreation the certificates.

  • KEY_LENGTH (2048): The length of the server key in bits. Higher is more secure, but will take longer to generate. e.g. 4096

  • DEBUG (false): Add debugging information to the logs.

  • LOG_TO_STDOUT (true): Sends OpenVPN logs to stdout so that logs can be examined via docker log. If FAIL2BAN_ENABLED is true then this is set to false because fail2ban needs to be able to parse the OpenVPN logs. If false, logs are written to /etc/openvpn/logs/openvpn.log to allow access to the logs from the host filesystem.

  • ENABLE_OTP (false): Activate two factor authentication using Google Auth. See Using OTP for more information.

  • FAIL2BAN_ENABLED (false): Set to true to enable the fail2ban daemon (protection against brute force attacks). This will also set LOG_TO_STDOUT to false.

  • FAIL2BAN_MAXRETRIES (3): The number of attempts that fail2ban allows before banning an ip address.

Launching the OpenVPN daemon container:

docker run \
           --name openvpn \
           --volume /path/on/host:/etc/openvpn \
           --detach=true \
           -p 1194:1194/udp \
           -e "" \
           -e "LDAP_URI=ldap://" \
           -e "LDAP_BASE_DN=dc=mycompany,dc=com" \
           --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
  • --cap-add=NET_ADMIN is necessary; the container needs to create the tunnel device and create iptable rules.

  • Extract the client configuration (along with embedded certificates) from the running container: docker exec -ti openvpn show-client-config

Using OTP

If you set ENABLE_OTP=true then OpenVPN will be configured to use two-factor authentication: you'll need your LDAP password and a passcode in order to connect. The passcode is provided by the Google Authenticator app. You'll need to download that from your app store.
You need to set up each user with 2FA. To do this you need to log into the host that's running the OpenVPN container and run
docker exec -ti openvpn add-otp-user <username> where username matches the LDAP username.
Give the generated URL and emergency codes to the user. To log in the user must append the code generated by Google Authenticator to their password. So if their password is verysecurepassword and the Authenticator code is 934567 then they need to enter verysecurepassword934567 at the password prompt.
The server-side OTP configuration is stored under /etc/openvpn, so ensure that's a volume otherwise the configuration will be lost if the container is restarted.
Note: OTP will only work with LDAP and can't be enabled if you're using the client certificate.

Using a client certificate

Set USE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE=true if you want to use a client certificate instead of LDAP authentication. This will create a single client key and certificate. The server will be configured to accept multiple clients using the same certificate.
This is useful for testing out your VPN server and isn't intended as an especially secure VPN setup. If you want to use this for purposes other than development then you should read up on the downsides of sharing a single certificate amongst multiple clients.

Git repository

The Dockerfile and associated assets are available at

Fail2ban Administration

You can ban/unban an ip address using the fail2ban-client command within the running container. For example, running docker exec openvpn fail2ban-client set openvpn <banip|unbanip> <IPV4 Address>. You can view the ban logs by running docker exec openvpn tail -50 /var/log/fail2ban.log.

Keepalive settings

The OpenVPN server is configured to send a keepalive ping every ten seconds and to restart the client connection if no reply has been recieved after a minute. If you set OVPN_IDLE_TIMEOUT then the server will kill the client connection after that many seconds and the client will be configured to exit instead of restart after a minute of failed pings. So for this reason your client can take up to a minute longer than the configured OVPN_IDLE_TIMEOUT timeout vaule before it exits.


You can restrict who can log into the VPN via LDAP filters. This container uses nss-pam-ldapd to authenticate against LDAP. LDAP_FILTER is passed to the filter passwd keyword and nslcd will automatically append a filter to restrict it to that user (e.g. (&(uid=john.smith)(memberOf=cn=staff,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=example,dc=org)). nslcd defaults to (objectClass=posixAccount), which will therefore create a filter like (&(uid=john.smith)(objectClass=posixAccount)) if LDAP_FILTER is undefined.


A dockerised OpenVPN server using LDAP for authentication, with optional 2FA via Google Authenticator







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  • Shell 94.3%
  • Dockerfile 5.7%