- Address: Seoul, South Korea
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Github: https://github.com/sunnys-lab/
- Homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ki-Sun-Lee-2
- 2018-03 ~ Current Clinical Assistant Professor; Korea University Ansan Hospital, An-san, Gyungi do, South Korea
- 2013-03 ~ 2018-02 Resident & Intern; Korea University Guro Hospital, Guro gu, Seoul, South Korea
- 2001-07 ~ 2009-02 Programmer; Samsung SDS, Seoul, South Korea
- 1996-03 ~ 1998-06 Lieutenant; ROTC office Republic of Korea Army, Gwang ju, South Korea
- 2017-09 ~ 2020-08 Ph.D - Biomedical Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
- 2009-05 ~ 2013-02 DDS(Doctor of Dental Surgery) & MDS(Master of Dental Surgery), Chosun University, Gwang ju, South Korea
- 1992-03 ~ 1996-02 Bachelor of Engineering, Korea University, Seoul, South Korea
- 2022-2025 / National Research Foundation / A deep learning-based dental medical twin system research
- 2019~2022 / National Research Foundation / Development of osteoporosis screening technology for panoramic images based on deep learning
- 2020~2021 / Korea University Medical Center / Development of customized deep learning-based clinical decision support system (CDSS) algorithm
- 2019~2020 / Korea University Medical Center / Optimal design based on finite element analysis for 3D printing implants and prostheses
- Lee, K.-S.; Lee, E.; Choi, B.; Pyun, S.-B. Automatic Pharyngeal Phase Recognition in Untrimmed Videofluoroscopic Swallowing Study Using Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Diagnostics 2021, 11, 300. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics11020300
- Lee, K.-S.; Kim, J.Y.; Jeon, E.-T.; Choi, W.S.; Kim, N.H.; Lee, K.Y. Evaluation of Scalability and Degree of Fine-Tuning of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for COVID-19 Screening on Chest X-ray Images Using Explainable Deep-Learning Algorithm. J. Pers. Med. 2020, 10, 213. https://doi.org/10.3390/jpm10040213
- Lee, K.-S.; Jung, S.-K.; Ryu, J.-J.; Shin, S.-W.; Choi, J.J.J.o.C.M. Evaluation of Transfer Learning with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Screening Osteoporosis in Dental Panoramic Radiographs. 2020, 9, 392. https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/9/2/392
- Lee, K.-S.; Ryu, J.-J.; Jang, H.S.; Lee, D.-Y.; Jung, S.-K.J.A.S. Deep Convolutional Neural Networks Based Analysis of Cephalometric Radiographs for Differential Diagnosis of Orthognathic Surgery Indications. 2020, 10, 2124. https://doi.org/10.3390/app10062124
- Lee, K.-S.; Shin, J.-H.; Kim, J.-E.; Kim, J.-H.; Lee, W.-C.; Shin, S.-W.; Lee, J.-Y.J.B.r.i. Biomechanical evaluation of a tooth restored with high performance polymer PEKK post-core system: A 3D finite element analysis. 2017, 2017.
- Lee, K.-S.; Shin, S.-W.; Lee, S.-P.; Kim, J.-E.; Kim, J.-H.; Lee, J.-Y.; Lee, K.-S.; Shin, S.-W.; Lee, S.-P.; Kim, J.-E.J.I.J.o.P. Comparative Evaluation of a Four-Implant-Supported Polyetherketoneketone Framework Prosthesis: A Three-Dimensional Finite Element Analysis Based on Cone Beam Computed Tomography and Computer-Aided Design. 2017, 30.
- 2021 Samsung Medical Center hosted Medical Artificial Intelligence Development Contest, 2nd place in teeth identification in panoramic x-ray
- 2019 Seoul Asan Hospital hosted Medical Artificial Intelligence Development Contest, 2nd place in breast cancer analysis
- 2019 Samsung Medical Center hosted Digital Health Hackathon Encouragement Award
- 2019 NAVER Corp. hosted Open Source Contest Encouragement Award
- 2018 Korean Associate of Digital Dentistry (KADD) hosted Regular Academic Conference Poster 1st Place
- 2016 Korea University Medical Center Best Resident Award
- Deep Learning-based Medical Image Classification Hands-on / Online Webinar (https://coding-x.com/webinar/15132) / Coding-X (coding-x.com)
- Multitalented dentist with experience in Artificial Intelligent software development field.
- Demonstrated excellent skills in Python and Google Deep Learning platform (Tensorflow)
- Conducting various research projects in the medical field
- Published a number of research papers related to medical artificial intelligence.
- True team player with strengths in adaptability and accuracy.
- Address: Seoul, South Korea
- E-mail: [email protected]
- Github: https://github.com/sunnys-lab/
- Homepage: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ki-Sun-Lee-2
- 2018-03 ~ Current 고려대학교 안산병원/임상조교수겸 연구교수
- 2013-03 ~ 2018-02 고려대학교 구로병원/인턴-레지던트(치과 전문의)
- 2001-07 ~ 2009-02 삼성SDS 소프트웨어 엔지니어
- 1996-03 ~ 1998-06 ROTC 장교 복무
- 2017-09 ~ 2020-08 서울대학교 의과대학 의공학박사
- 2009-05 ~ 2013-02 조선대학교 치의학전문대학원 치의학전문석사
- 1992-03 ~ 1996-02 고려대학교 공학박사
- 2022~2025 / 한국연구재단 / 딥러닝 기반 치과용 메디컬 트윈시스템 개발
- 2019~2022 / 한국연구재단 / 딥러닝 기반 치과용 파노라마 엑스레이를 이용한 골다공증 스크리닝 기술 개발
- 2020~2021 / 고려대학교의료원 / 딥러닝 기반 맞춤형 임상의사결정지원시스템(CDSS) 기본 알고리즘 개발
- 2019~2020 / 고려대학교의료원 / 3D 프린팅 임플란트 및 보철물 유한요소해석 기반 최적설계
- 2021년 삼성서울병원 의료인공지능 개발 경진대회 개최, 파노라마 엑스레이 치아식별 부문 2위
- 2019 서울아산병원 의료인공지능 개발 경진대회 유방암 분석 2위
- 2019년 삼성서울병원 디지털헬스 해커톤 장려상
- 2019 네이버(주) 오픈소스 공모전 장려상 개최
- 2018년 한국디지털치과학회(KADD) 주최 정기학술대회 포스터 1위
- 2016 고려대학교의료원 최우수 전공의 표창
- 딥러닝 기반 의료영상 분류 Hands-on / 온라인 웨비나 (https://coding-x.com/webinar/15132) / 코딩엑스(coding-x.com)
- "고려대 안산병원 이기선 교수 연구팀, 설명 가능한 딥러닝 기반 흉부엑스레이 코로나19 진단 보조기술 개발" (2020 인공지능신문 - 링크:https://www.aitimes.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=18348)
- "이기선 교수, 딥러닝 이용 골다공증 예측알고리즘 개발" (2020- 의학신문 - 링크:http://www.bosa.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=2121260)
- 인공지능 관련 교육 및 컨설팅
- 딥러닝 및 머신러닝을 통한 문제 해결 관련 교육 및 컨설팅
- 딥러닝 및 머신러닝 모델 설계 및 제작과정 교육 및 컨설팅