NoLag v1.1.2 by supercam19
A datapack for Minecraft 1.17+ to increase performance on your Minecraft server.
This is a datapack made by supercam19 to improve server performance. It is reccomended for vanilla servers but can also be used on custom server jars!
--Getting to your datapack folder--
Go to the latest release for No Lag, and download the NoLag_v{version}.zip attached to the release.
- Open Minecraft
- Select the world you want to put the datapack on
- Click edit > Open World Folder
- Open the "datapacks" folder
To install the datapack, extract the and place it in your datapacks folder.
To know if its installed correctly, you file path should be /.minecraft/saves/{worldName}/datapacks/NoLag. Inside this folder you should find a file called "pack.mcmeta" thats how you know it is installed properly. If there is no "pack.mcmeta" in that path, it is not installed correctly.
To configure the datapack, go to you datapacks folder for the world. Then go NoLag/data/nolag_config/functions/config.mcfunction.
If you want to also change the what happens when you run function nl:clearlag, function nl:killmobs or function nl:clearprojectiles, go to NoLag/data/nolag_config/tags/entity_types/ and edit the .json file you wish.