google-api-nodejs-client Public
Forked from rakyll/google-api-nodejs-clientGoogle's officially supported Node.js client library for accessing Google APIs, it comes with OAuth 2.0 support.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 10, 2016 -
startbootstrap-grayscale Public
Forked from StartBootstrap/startbootstrap-grayscaleA multipurpose one page Bootstrap theme created by Start Bootstrap
CSS Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 5, 2015 -
node-mysql Public
Forked from mysqljs/mysqlA pure node.js JavaScript Client implementing the MySql protocol.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 16, 2015 -
slush Public
Forked from slushjs/slushThe streaming scaffolding system - Gulp as a replacement for Yeoman
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 30, 2014 -
angularjs-form-builder Public
Forked from SelmanKahya/angularjs-form-builderA simple form builder application written with AngularJS.
JavaScript UpdatedJan 25, 2014 -
fileupload Public
Forked from domharrington/fileuploadEasy file uploading in Node.JS
JavaScript UpdatedNov 25, 2013 -
ngx-library Public
Forked from lmc-eu/ngx-libraryExtension library for AngularJS projects
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 3, 2013 -
picsee Public
Forked from dlochrie/picseeExpress-Compatible middleware that offers support for uploading photos, setting custom sizes, and storing them locally or remotely.
JavaScript UpdatedAug 12, 2013 -
pdf.js Public
Forked from mozilla/pdf.jsPDF Reader in JavaScript
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 26, 2013 -
lungo-angular-bridge Public
Forked from otupman/lungo-angular-bridgeJoining the joys that are Lungo and Angular together into an integrated mobile solution that you'll love
JavaScript GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 7, 2013 -
jQuery-contextMenu Public
Forked from swisnl/jQuery-contextMenucontextMenu manager
JavaScript UpdatedJun 7, 2013 -
jquery-dropdown Public
Forked from soundasleep/jquery-dropdownBootstrap-style dropdowns with some added features and no dependencies.
JavaScript UpdatedJun 6, 2013 -
AngularAutogrow Public
Forked from lokimeyburg/AngularAutogrowThis AngularJS directive makes it easy to have auto-growing textareas. Meaning, if you have a textarea, as the user types it will expand vertically to accommodate the size of the entry. This was in…
JavaScript UpdatedMay 31, 2013 -
cheerio Public
Forked from cheeriojs/cheerioFast, flexible, and lean implementation of core jQuery designed specifically for the server.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 13, 2013 -
lbg-mongoose-utils Public
Forked from mariuskubilius/lbg-mongoose-utilsA mongoose.js extensions used in my projects.
JavaScript UpdatedMay 10, 2013 -
ZBarScanner Public
Forked from dm77/ZBarScannerThis is an Android library project that simplifies the usage of the ZBar SDK for scanning bar codes from within your Android application.
Java UpdatedMay 1, 2013 -
node-lazy Public
Forked from pkrumins/node-lazylazy lists for node.js
JavaScript UpdatedApr 26, 2013 -
zombie Public
Forked from assaf/zombieInsanely fast, full-stack, headless testing using node.js
CoffeeScript MIT License UpdatedApr 24, 2013 -
phantomjs Public
Forked from ariya/phantomjsScriptable Headless WebKit
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedApr 23, 2013 -
awsbox Public
Forked from mozilla/awsboxA featherweight PaaS on top of Amazon EC2 for deploying node apps
JavaScript UpdatedApr 15, 2013 -
infinity Public
Forked from airbnb/infinityUITableViews for the web.
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 10, 2013 -
circus Public
Forked from circus-tent/circusprocess runner and watcher built on top of zmq, and meant to be extensible
Python Other UpdatedApr 9, 2013 -
Crawlme Public
Forked from OptimalBits/CrawlmeAjax crawling for your web application
JavaScript UpdatedApr 3, 2013 -
Backbone-Require-Boilerplate Public
Forked from BoilerplateMVC/Backbone-Require-BoilerplateA Rad Backbone.js and Require.js Boilerplate Project.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedApr 1, 2013 -
node-http-proxy Public
Forked from http-party/node-http-proxyA full-featured http proxy for node.js
JavaScript Other UpdatedApr 1, 2013 -
nginx_tcp_proxy_module Public
Forked from yaoweibin/nginx_tcp_proxy_moduleadd the feature of tcp proxy with nginx, with health check and status monitor
C UpdatedMar 28, 2013 -
awssum-amazon-route53 Public
Forked from chilts/awssum-amazon-route53NodeJS module to talk to Amazon Route53.
JavaScript Other UpdatedMar 27, 2013 -
digitalocean-api Public
Forked from enzy/digitalocean-apiDigitalOcean API node.js wrapper
JavaScript UpdatedMar 25, 2013