Simple python telegram bot based on Telepot library to save text message to server. No need to set port-forwardings, no custom signed certificates, no webhooks, no bullshit.
- Python interpreter, on debian: "sudo apt-get python3".
- Telepot library, on debian with python installed: "sudo pip install telepot".
- Telegram bot token, obtainable via @BotFather chat, write it at the 'settings.txt'.
- Personal chatid, write it at the 'settings.txt'.
- Text file destination directory, write it at the 'settings.txt'.
- Photo file destination directory, write it at the 'settings.txt'.
- Transmission remote ID and password, write it at the 'settings.txt'.
- Transmission download destination, write it at the 'settings.txt'.
To enable bot to comunicate with you ( due to telegram security policy, anti-spam etc...), you need to chat first by opening bot chat and sending "/start", enough to unlock bot direct messaging without human interaction.
- $ python3 settings.txt [&]
- (to give bot root access) $ sudo python3 settings.txt [&]
- [&] is for background process
- msg
- with out below commands, every message will be wrote in 'dest_dir/YYYY-MM-DD.txt'
- /list : return text file name of your destination directory
- /read [text name] : return contents of text file. without [text name], it will return YYYY-MM-DD.txt(today)
- photo
- to save photo to your server, send it to bot.
- document
- torrent
- to download torrent contents to your server, send it to bot with text (MOV or TV).
- smi/srt
- to save smi/srt to your server, send it to bot.
- torrent
The bot is configured to reply only to your chatid (in yor chat) for security reasons, ever use spaces to indentate or you'll get execution errors, use tabs instead.