A ready-to-use curated list of Spectral Indices for Remote Sensing applications.
Open source remote sensing dataset with benchmarks
fmyuan / ats
Forked from amanzi/atsAdvanced Terrestrial Simulator (ATS) development
fmyuan / ats-demos
Forked from amanzi/ats-demosDemonstration problems of ATS capability (look here first!)
Sentinel / Landsat / CBERS serverless tile server
A serverless Sentinel-2 tiles server using AWS Lambda
Airborne LiDAR data manipulation and visualisation for forestry application
suryakant54321 / COVID-19
Forked from CSSEGISandData/COVID-19Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Cases, provided by JHU CSSE
Code for a winning model (3 out of 419) in a Dstl Satellite Imagery Feature Detection challenge
Python Package for Airborne RGB machine learning
Repository created for the Earth Observation Sentinel project
Download and process satellite imagery in Python using Sentinel Hub services.
Data Cube user interface allowing users to interact with the Data Cube and run sample analysis cases
A walkthrough of some Google Earth Engine Features, as well as using the data in TensorFlow
Grab all a user's tweets (and get past 3200 limit)
Matplotlib tutorial for beginner
Cloud Native Presentation Slides with Jupyter Notebook + Reveal.js
Python Helper library for Jupyter Notebooks
Export from an Elasticsearch into a CSV file
Notebooks and code for the book "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python"
⛔️ DEPRECATED – See instead.
Kafka sink connector for streaming messages to PostgreSQL
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
An ArcGIS Python toolbox for creating wedge and arcband shapes
The GIS Tools for Hadoop are a collection of GIS tools for spatial analysis of big data.