An efficient Android Monkey Tester, available for emulators and real devices 基于遍历规则的高性能Android Monkey,适用于真机/模拟器的APP UI压力测试
- 支持 Android 5,6,7,8,真机及模拟器; Android 5不支持 dfs mode
- 将 framework.jar , monkey.jar push 到手机上某个目录中,建议
adb push framework.jar /sdcard
adb push monkey.jar /sdcard
下载 AppetizerIO:APP测试->UI压力测试
测试过程log实时更新 | 一键错误log上报作者 |
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cmd 命令 :
adb shell CLASSPATH=/sdcard/monkey.jar:/sdcard/framework.jar exec app_process /system/bin tv.panda.test.monkey.Monkey -p com.panda.videoliveplatform --uiautomatormix --running-minutes 60 -v -v
: monkey入口类,不要修改com.panda.videoliveplatform
: 被测app包名,需要修改--uiautomatormix
: 遍历策略
模式 DFS --uiautomatordfs 增加深度遍历算法
模式 Mix --uiautomatormix 直接使用底层accessibiltyserver获取界面接口 解析各控件,随机选取一个控件执行touch操作。 同时与原monkey 其他操作按比例混合使用 默认accessibilityserver action占比50%,其余各action分剩余的50% accessibilityserver action占比可配置 --pct-uiautomatormix n
模式Troy --uiautomatortroy 控件选择策略按max.xpath.selector配置的高低优先级来进行深度遍历
总运行时长 --running-minutes 3 运行3分钟
--act-whitelist-file /sdcard/awl.strings 定义白名单 --act-blacklist-file
随机输入 需要提前安装adbkeyboard 随机输入默认随机输入字符,内容可自定义配置,格式如ape.strings文件,每行为随机输入项。
Android5 不支持dfs 模式,因5的accessibiltyserver缺少一个api。故不支持
增加 APP崩溃时自动保存堆栈信息到 /sdcard/crash-dump.log
注 追加保存
max.startAfterNSecondsofsleep = 6000 启动后sleep 6秒,可自定义 max.wakeupAfterNSecondsofsleep = 4000 唤醒后
配置 max.xpath.actions
, 案例
"prob": 1,
"actions": [
"xpath": "//*[@class='android.widget.EditText']",
"action": "INPUTTEXT",
"text": "13810751000",
"index": 0,
"throttle": 300
"xpath": "//*[@class='android.widget.EditText']",
"action": "INPUTTEXT",
"text": "123400",
"index": 1,
"throttle": 300
"xpath": "//*[@content-desc='登录' and @class='android.view.View']",
"index": 0,
"action": "CLICK",
"throttle": 1000
"prob": 1,
"actions": [
"xpath": "//*[@class='android.view.View']",
"index": 0,
"action": "SWIPE",
"args": "10,1000,800,1000,100",
"throttle": 3000
"prob": 1,
"actions": [
"xpath": "//*[@class='android.view.View']",
"index": 0,
"action": "TOUCH",
"args": "500,1000",
"throttle": 1000
发生概率prob =1 为100%发生
仅当 当前activity 为 tv.panda.account.activity.WebLoginActivity
xpath 为待查找控件的xpath 支持复杂型xpath,支持 index 索引选择
throttle 为该特殊步骤执行完后sleep n 毫秒
Action 支持
- Click 点击匹配到的xpath控件
- INPUTTEXT 在匹配到的xpath控件中输入 text 指定字符,输入需要提前安装adbkeyboard
- TOUCH 点击指定坐标 args = (x,y)
- SWIPE 按执行路径滑动 args = (x1,y1,x2,y2,step)
注 配置完成后请贴在 检查格式,注意” : , 非中文
将该文件 push 到 /sdcard/max.xpath.actions
配置 案例
"xpath": "//*[@class='android.widget.TextView' and @text='我的校园' and @resource-id='com.panda.videoliveplatform:id/tv_title']"
"xpath": "//*[@class='android.widget.TextView' and @text='车队' and @resource-id='com.panda.videoliveplatform:id/tv_title']",
"index": 0,
"bounds": "[0,633][900,789]"
"bounds": "[0,1107][900,1263]"
当且仅当 当前activity == 所配activity 或未配activity时 做黑检查 三种方式:
- 仅配置bounds 屏蔽某个区域,在该区域内的控件或坐标不会被点击。
- 配置xpath 查找匹配的控件,屏蔽点击该控件。
- xpath+bounds 查找匹配的控件,当控件存在时屏蔽指定的区域。
注 配置完成后请贴在 检查格式,注意” : , 非中文
将该文件 push 到 /sdcard/
max.screenShotAndSavePageSource = true 开启截图
截图的生效条件: throttle > 200 && max.screenShotAndSavePageSource = true
adb shell CLASSPATH=/sdcard/monkey.jar:/sdcard/framework.jar exec app_process /system/bin tv.panda.test.monkey.Monkey -p com.panda.videoliveplatform --uiautomatormix --running-minutes 6 -v -v --throttle 400 --output-directory /sdcard/max1/
adb shell CLASSPATH=/sdcard/monkey.jar:/sdcard/framework.jar exec app_process /system/bin tv.panda.test.monkey.Monkey -p com.panda.videoliveplatform --uiautomatortroy --running-minutes 15 -v -v
配置max.xpath.selector 控件优先级
{ "xpath": "//*[contains(@text,'绝地求生')]" }
{ "xpath": "//*[@clickable='true']" },
{ "xpath": "//*[@clickable='true']//*[contains(name(),'Text')]" },
{ "xpath": "//*[@clickable='true']//*[contains(name(),'Button')]" },
{ "xpath": "//*[@clickable='true']//*[contains(name(),'Image')]" }
{ "xpath": "//*[../*[@selected='true']]" },
{ "xpath": "//*[../../*/*[@selected='true']]" },
{ "xpath": "//*[../../*/*[@selected='true'] and contains(@resource-id,'tab_')]" },
{ "xpath": "//*[contains(@resource-id,'HorizontalScrollView')]" }
{ "xpath": "//*[contains(@resource-id,'wrapper_in_custom_title_bar')]//*[contains(@resource-id,'right_button')]" },
{ "xpath": "//*[contains(@resource-id,'share')]" }
控件选择策略会按 1first 2select 3last 并屏蔽black来执行遍历
max.xpath.selector 需要push 到/sdcard/
- Android 5/6/7/8
- Android5 does not support dfs mode
adb push framework.jar /sdcard
adb push monkey.jar /sdcard
Optionally, push configuration file(s)
adb push ape.strings /sdcard
adb push awl.strings /sdcard
Maxim is started from adb shell
adb shell CLASSPATH=/sdcard/monkey.jar:/sdcard/framework.jar exec app_process /system/bin tv.panda.test.monkey.Monkey -p com.panda.videoliveplatform --uiautomatordfs 5000
- dfs mode:
traverse view tree with Depth-First Search. About 5 actions per second. - mix mode:
use AccessibilityService to resolve view tree and mix vanilla monkey events with view clicks. About 10-20 actions per second.--pct-uiautomatormix
ratio (percentage number)
--running-minutes n
run for n minutes
e.g., /sdcard/awl.strings white list for activities--act-blacklist-file
to specify special event, see example