Warning: If the migration process fails to complete you will not be able to undo the changes without reloading a database backup. We cannot be held accountable for any data loss sustained when running the commands provided in this project. Please keep a database backup before running any commands provided by this package.
This package is designed to migrate a django CMS 3.5+ project to django CMS 4.0.
- Keeps any draft and published content, ensuring that any new draft changes are kept as a new draft version in djangocms_versioning.
Due to the nature of the changes between django CMS 3.5+ and 4.0 the package will fail to function if an incompatible package is installed.
This may require you to:
- Fork or copy and modify this package to work with any bespoke requirements your project has (we may accept these changes back for popular packages as a configurable option)
- Ensure that all installed packages for your project are
Require knowledge of the changes and new features in 4.0:
- New cms app configuration
- Revised Page, Title (Now named PageContent) and Placeholder relationships
Requires knowledge of django CMS Versioning
- Grouper and content model terms
- Understanding how versioning selects published content
The following packages are not yet officially released, they need to be installed directly from the repository. We need your help to make packages v4.0 compatible and to provide documentation for the wider community!
django CMS 4.0
pip install http://github.com/divio/django-cms/tarball/release/4.0.x#egg=django-cms
pip install https://github.com/divio/djangocms-text-ckeditor/tarball/support/4.0.x#egg=djangocms-text-ckeditor
pip install https://github.com/divio/djangocms-versioning/tarball/master#egg=djangocms-versioning
pip install https://github.com/divio/djangocms-alias/tarball/master#egg=djangocms-alias
Warning: This package can leave your DB in a corrupted state if used incorrectly, be sure to backup any databases prior to running any commands listed here!
First install this package in your project
pip install djangocms-4-migration
Simply run the following command to run the data migration. Note: This command calls the django migrate command, this is because it has to run commands that save information that would have been lost by running the cms migrations directly.
python manage.py cms4_migration
Import PageContent in a backwards compatible way (Title).
# django CMS v4
from cms.models import PageContent
# django CMS 3.x
except ImportError:
from cms.models import Title as PageContent