Global installation requirements:
nodejs version 6.9.1
optional: yarn for package management (server only).
Add ./node_modules/.bin to your path. This enables to you to run locally installed npm commands.
nodemon for watching server and restarting on modifications.
npm install -g nodemon
For developing React single-page-app (optional):
npm install -g create-react-app
Install and run postgres docker image for development.
docker run -p 5432:5432 --name pg2 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword -d postgres
In project root directory:
yarn install (or npm install)
npm run migratedb
npm run start
To run server side tests in watch mode (in another terminal window):
npm run test
In another terminal window:
cd client
npm install
npm run start
At this point you should see the HGOP intro page open in your browser. If not, you should be able to point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and open it.
To run client tests in watch mode:
cd client
npm run test
To run API tests, simulating client calls to server socket-io api:
npm run apitest
To run API load tests, simulating client load on server socket-io api:
npm run loadtest
The main emphasis in this sample application is on object decomposition and testability, achieved with fine-grained objects wired together with aggressive use of dependency injection. The architecture style used is fully message based using Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) with event sourcing. This is an appropriate architecture for many classes of applications, such as where synchronizing views of multiple users is an important concern, and where achieving near-linear scaling of servers in clustered environments is a concern.
Note that transaction support, error handling and logging are incomplete, and many other details that would be required in production-ready clustered applications are not present. One such is persistent user sessions.