- This application offers a convenient way for users to locate, reserve, and pay for on-street parking in New York City
- The app is a Dockerised Django / PostgreSQL back-end application
- The main resources are the User, Parking Spots, and Reservations, whereby there is a 1-to-Many relationship between Users and Reservations and a 1-to-1 relationship between Reservations and Parking Spots
- Polling of Django / PostgreSQL back-end ensures only available parking spots are displayed on Google Map
- Users can pick an available parking spot and choose the length of the reservation period
- Custom in-app Stripe payments and processing flow, using setup intent and payment intent objects
- Reservation of parking spots is only confirmed upon successful completion of Stripe payment processing whereby card details are collected for later charging
- Celery, RabbitMQ, and Redis are used to queue and process tasks that need to be executed at the end of the reservation period, including payment processing with final bill amount, sending email to users confirming the end of the reservation period, changing a live reservation and all of its future queued processes
- Users can change the reservation length or end a reservation at any time, either case results in an email sent to the user to confirm any amendments to the reservation
- At the end of the reservation period the message broker pushes end-of-reservation tasks to Celery for execution, including sending an end-of-reservation email to the user, changing the state of the reserved parking spot resource from reserved to available in the PostgreSQL backend, and using the Stripe setup intent and the customer's payment details to charge the full amount
- Pytest has been used for unit testing / test-driven-development
- A custom AWS EC2 instance has been set up to run the dockerised deployment environment, consisting of a Nginx reverse proxy, the django api, and a number of celery workers
- The deployed environment utilises cloud services, including RabbitMQ as the task queue manager, Redis as the task queue results storage, and an AWS RDS PostgreSQL instance (the dockerised development environment uses docker images for these three services instead)
Technology | Front-End | Back-End |
Axios | x | |
Black | x | |
Bootstrap | x | |
Camelcase | x | |
Celery | x | |
Certbot / Let's Encrypt | x | |
Coverage | x | x |
Crypto.js | x | |
CSS/SCSS | x | |
Docker | x | x |
Django | x | |
Django Rest Framework | x | |
Factory Boy | x | |
Faker | x | x |
Flake8 | x | |
Google Maps Api | x | |
Gunicorn | x | |
Heroku | x | |
HTML5 | x | |
Husky | x | |
iSort | x | |
JavaScript | x | |
Jest | x | |
Lodash | x | |
Logrocket | x | |
Luxon | x | |
Model Bakery | x | |
Moment | x | |
Nginx | x | x |
Poetry | x | |
PostgreSQL | x | |
Pytest | x | |
Redis | x | |
React | x | |
React Router-Dom | x | |
TypeScript | x | |
Stripe Api | x | x |
Styled Components | x | |
Whitenoise | x |
This stack is defined in the docker-compose.dev.yml file.
graph LR
RR[Redis Results Backend]
subgraph CELERY [Celery]
direction LR
W1[Worker 1]
W2[Worker 2]
Wn[Worker n]
API --- RQ
API --- PG
The stack inside the AWS EC2 instance is defined in the docker-compose.deploy.yml file. Redis is an instance on Redis Cloud. The RabbitMQ queue is an instance on CloudAMQP. The PostgreSQL database is hosted on AWS RDS.
graph LR
subgraph AWS [AWS EC2]
direction LR
subgraph CELERY [Celery]
direction LR
W1[Worker 1]
W2[Worker 2]
Wn[Worker n]
RR[(Redis Celery Results Store)]
C -- HTTPS --- P
P -- HTTP --- API
API --- RQ
API --- PG
- Clone this repo into your preferred local directory
- Ensure pip, pipx, poetry and pyenv are installed locally (install pyenv and poetry with brew,
and pip with
python -m ensurepip --upgrade
)Use the following links for more detail on how to install these packages:
- Ensure docker and docker-compose are installed in the local environment
- Run
poetry install
in the project root directory to install all dependent packages - Install the Doppler CLI and authenticate according to these instructions
- Run the Doppler setup process in the root directory with
doppler setup
- Start the Postgres docker container with
doppler run -- docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up -d --build
- Check containers are running normally by reviewing log statements with
docker logs [container_id]
- Ensure the database has all the tables setup by running
docker exec [db_container_id] python manage.py migrate
- Confirm there are no outstanding migrations with
docker exec [db_container_id] python manage.py showmigrations
- Open the browser to review the SPA and the API
Docker was chosen to better orchestrate the development environment which includes the Django app, a Postgres db instance, a RabbitMQ queue, a Celery worker, and a Redis instance. Docker allows for the creation of a single docker-compose file that defines all the services and their dependencies. This allows for a more streamlined development process and ensures that all developers are working with the same environment.
Below is a high-level summary of all deploy steps. Most of them only need to be applied once for the initial deployment. This is a fairly complicated setup process and it is recommended to use the Render deployment option instead.
- Create EC2 instance
- Create an elastic IP and associate it with the EC2 instance
- Check DNS and verify that:
- AWS DNS is set up as the DNS server on Google Cloud (Google provides the domain sigmagamma.app)
- Route53 hosted zone sigmagamma.app has an A-record pointing to the EC2 elastic IP
- Create key pair and store locally
- Amend associated security group to allow access via SSH (22), HTTP (80) and HTTPS (443)
- SSH into EC2 instance via
ssh -i /path/to/private-key.pem [EC2 Public IPv4 Address]
- Install docker, docker-compose, doppler, and git
- Clone main branch into EC2 instance
- Verify Redis Cloud, PostgreSQL AWS RDS, and RabbitMQ Cloud instances are running
- Verify the environment variables stored in the Doppler prod config environment are correct
- Run certify-init.sh
doppler run --token 'see Doppler secure-my-spot-api prod config' -- docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml run --rm certbot /opt/certify-init.sh
- Stop all containers
doppler run --token 'token' -- docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml down
- Restart all containers
doppler run --token 'token' -- docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml up -d --build
Note 1: this article and this accompanying YouTube video explain in detail how the containers can be configured to allow for HTTPS traffic.
Note 2: verify a cronjob is registered with
crontab -l
. A script needs to run once a week that runs the "certbot renew" command inside the certbot container. The command this cronjob runs isdoppler run --scope /home/ec2-user/secure-my-spot-api -- docker-compose -f docker-compose.deploy.yml run --rm certbot sh -c "certbot renew"
and essentially ensures that the https certificate with LetsEncrypt is renewed when needed (once a quarter).
- Add a new web service for the Django app (Render)
- Add a new Postgres database instance (Neon)
- Add a new Redis instance (Upstash)
- Add a new RabbitMQ instance (CloudAMQP)
- Add a new Celery worker process (Render)
Note: the worker process costs $7/month and hence has not been implemented in the deployed app. This means that the end-of-reservation tasks are not executed automatically.
The Django app is deployed with Render.
The Postgres database is deployed with Neon.
We use Upstash for our Redis cloud instance.
The RabbitMQ queue is hosted by CloudAMQP.
The Celery worker should be deployed with Render. Howeever, for cost reasons, this has not been implemented in the deployed app. This means that the end-of-reservation tasks are not executed automatically.
- Data is mostly well-structured, factual, and numeric -> relational db
- Data volume is limited (fixed number of parking spaces that can be booked across a finite number of times per unit of time) -> relational db
- Dependency on real time data processing (avoid double booking a parking spot) -> non-relational db
Given the limited booking volume and hence limited need for fast and reliable real-time processing of parking bay bookings a relational database management system is to be preferred. This project will use PostgreSQL, given the use of Django on the back-end and existing excellent support for PostgreSQL.
Verb | URI | Body | Headers | Status Response | Response Body |
POST | /sign-up | Credentials | n/a | 201, Created | user details |
POST | /sign-in | Credentials | n/a | 201 | token |
DELETE | /sign-out | n/a | Token | 204 | n/a |
PATCH | /change-pw | Credentials | Token | 204 | n/a |
Verb | URI | Params | Status Response | Response Body |
GET | /available-parking-spots | n/a | 200 | parking spots |
GET | /available-parking-spots-filter | ?lat=[?]&long=[?]&unit=[km/mil]&dist=[?] | 200 | parking spots |
Verb | URI | Body | Headers | Status Response | Response Body |
GET | /reservation-auth | n/a | Token | 200 | reservations |
GET | /expired-reservations-auth | n/a | Token | 200 | reservations |
GET | /reservation-unauth:reservation_id/:email | n/a | n/a | 200 | reservation |
POST | /reservation-auth/:parking_spot_id | email, reservation length | Token | 201 | reservation |
POST | /reservation-unauth/:parking_spot_id | email, reservation length | n/a | 201 | reservation |
PATCH | /update-reservation-auth/:reservation_id | end_time | Token | 200 | reservation |
PATCH | /update-reservation-unauth/:reservation_id/:email | end_time | 200 | reservation | |
DELETE | /delete-reservation-auth/:reservation_id | n/a | Token | 204 | n/a |
DELETE | /delete-reservation-unauth/:reservation_id/email | n/a | Token | 204 | n/a |
Verb | URI | Body | Headers | Status Response | Response Body |
POST | /create-payment-intent-auth/:reservation_id | n/a | Token | 201 | Stripe client secret |
POST | /create-payment-intent-unauth/:reservation_id/:email | n/a | 201 | Stripe client secret | |
GET | /confirm-successful-setup-intent-auth/:reservation_id | n/a | Token | 204 | n/a |
GET | /confirm-successful-setup-intent-unauth/:reservation_id/:email | n/a | 204 | n/a |
- When an admin enters their credentials into the api's admin UI, the user sees an error ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS before they see the admin UI. When clicking on any path exposed in the admin UI, the user is beeing redirected to the log-in feature. The sessionID is stored in the db and in the browser cookie. Also, this error only ocurs in the production environment. It is likely caused by some mis-configuration of the nginx proxy and django's setting.py.
- Replace polling of back-end with a websocket design that allows for bi-directional communication between the front- and the back-end
- This could also be used to verify emails before users are allowed to create an account or make a reservation (unauthenticated users)
- Renew tokens after [24h] automatically