scikit-learn Public
Forked from scikit-learn/scikit-learnscikit-learn: machine learning in Python
C Other UpdatedFeb 8, 2015 -
pandas Public
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
Python Other UpdatedFeb 8, 2015 -
plotly Public
Forked from plotly/plotly.RCreate beautiful, interactive, online Plotly graphs with R and ggplot2
R Other UpdatedJan 28, 2015 -
ExData_Plotting1 Public
Forked from rdpeng/ExData_Plotting1Plotting Assignment 1 for Exploratory Data Analysis
R UpdatedJan 12, 2015 -
dplyr Public
Forked from tidyverse/dplyrPlyr specialised for data frames: faster & with remote datastores
R Other UpdatedDec 12, 2014 -
stat-learning Public
Forked from asadoughi/stat-learningNotes and exercise attempts for "An Introduction to Statistical Learning"
R UpdatedDec 3, 2014 -
get_clean_data_uci-har Public
coursera-getting_cleaning_data cleaning of UCI-HAR Dataset
R UpdatedNov 23, 2014 -
usgsd Public
Forked from ajdamico/asdfreeAnalyze Survey Data for Free with the R Language
R UpdatedNov 18, 2014 -
ProgrammingAssignment2 Public
Forked from rdpeng/ProgrammingAssignment2Repository for Programming Assignment 2 for R Programming on Coursera
R UpdatedOct 26, 2014 -
vdw-macros Public
Standard macro library, for use with HMORN's Virtual Data Warehouse
SAS UpdatedOct 1, 2014 -
courses Public
Forked from rdpeng/coursesCourse materials for the Data Science Specialization: https://www.coursera.org/specialization/jhudatascience/1
JavaScript UpdatedOct 1, 2014 -
theme_fivethirtyeight Public
Forked from alex23lemm/theme_fivethirtyeightggplot2 theme that mimics themes of fivethirtyeight.com plots
R UpdatedAug 4, 2014 -
cloudera-challenge-2014 Public
Forked from asdaraujo/cloudera-challenge-2014Cloudera DS Challenge 2014
Java UpdatedJul 8, 2014 -
TeamFloriduh Public
Forked from laurenstill/TeamFloriduh2014 HealthDataPalooza
CSS GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 18, 2014 -
rHealthDataGov Public
Forked from rOpenHealth/rHealthDataGovThis package provides an R interface to the HealthData.gov data API.
R UpdatedJun 10, 2014 -
medicare-analysis Public
Forked from VikParuchuri/medicare-analysisAnalyze medicare data from the recent release.
CSS UpdatedApr 13, 2014 -
rOpenHealth Public
Forked from rOpenHealth/rOpenHealthA collaborative project to build R tools facilitating access to quantitative healthcare and public health data
UpdatedMar 11, 2014 -
datasharing Public
Forked from jtleek/datasharingThe Leek group guide to data sharing
UpdatedNov 25, 2013 -
Elements-of-Statistical-Learning Public
Forked from ajtulloch/Elements-of-Statistical-LearningContains LaTeX, SciPy and R code providing solutions to exercises in Elements of Statistical Learning (Hastie, Tibshirani & Friedman)
TeX UpdatedNov 10, 2013 -
medicare-1 Public
Forked from mazelife/medicareDataviz project for hospital cost data
JavaScript UpdatedJun 6, 2013 -