Koala Plot is a Compose Multiplatform based charting and plotting library allowing you to build great looking interactive charts for Android, desktop, ios, and web using a single API and code base.
Try out the web version of the samples for a quick look at the possibilities when using Koala Plot. Note that this uses the alpha Kotlin wasm Compose web-canvas capability, and you'll need a browser supporting the wasm garbage collection feature. For more information see https://kotl.in/wasm_help.
This project is in a pre-release experimental/alpha state. We encourage you to give it a try, make suggestions for improvement, and even contribute! It is expected that the API surface and functionality will change as we gain experience using the library in applications.
Most elements of a plot are Composables and can therefore be easily customized. This includes things like colors, fonts, borders, shapes, user interaction, etc. Web support is provided by the Compose-web Canvas support currently in alpha.
- Pie and donut chart
- Composable slices, with default implementation that can react to hovering
- Optional Composable labels and Composable connectors with provided linear and bezier implementations
- Composable content for donut chart centers
- Customizable first-draw animation
- Line graphs
- Linear or Log y-axis
- Numeric or category x-axis
- Composable axis titles and value labels
- Optional Composable symbols for data points
- Optional Composable symbols at each data point with default implementations
- Zoom and pan one or both axes (Android only, for now)
- Optional shaded areas (area chart)
- Stacked area graphs
- Plots multiple lines with shaded areas between them and accumulated values
- Similar feature set as the Line chart
- Vertical bar graph
- Linear or Log y-axis
- Numeric or category x-axis
- Composable vertical bars with a provided default implementation
- Support for clustered and stacked bars
- Support for negative values and bars that don't start at 0
- Customizable first-draw animation
- Zoom and pan one or both axes (Android only, for now)
- Bullet Graph
- Individual or multiple vertically aligned bullet graphs
- Radar/Polar/Spider plots
- Lines, areas, symbols, or a combination
- Configurable origin position and angle orientation (clockwise/counter-clockwise)
- Chart layout
- Combines an optional Composable title, plot, and legend with any of 4 positions
- Legends
- Single column
- Flow-layout
- Add the mavenCentral and compose repositories to your project's build.gradle.kts
repositories {
- Include Koala Plot core as a dependency in your project's build.gradle.kts
dependencies {
You can also see a complete example of a build.gradle.kts in the samples.
- Start coding
BulletGraphs {
bullet(FloatLinearAxisModel(0f..300f)) {
label {
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.End,
modifier = Modifier.padding(end = KoalaPlotTheme.sizes.gap)
) {
Text("Revenue 2005 YTD", textAlign = TextAlign.End)
Text("(US $ in thousands)", textAlign = TextAlign.End, style = MaterialTheme.typography.labelSmall)
axis { labels { Text("${it.toInt()}") } }
ranges(0f, 200f, 250f, 300f)
Also see the sample repository for code examples.
Contributions are welcome. Further details can be found in the Contributing Guidelines