BuildSystemLite Public
Create a simple BuildSystem with caching and dependency tracking for a basic Markup-like language
C++ UpdatedDec 31, 2020 -
BuildSystem Public
Create a simple BuildSystem with caching and dependency tracking for a basic Markup-like language
UpdatedDec 28, 2020 -
maze-for-programmers Public
C++ implementations of the algorithms from "Mazes For Programmers"
whisper Public
WHISPER is a comprehensive benchmark suite for emerging persistent memory technologies.
nstore Public
Forked from snalli/nstoreNVM Database from Carnegie-Mellon U
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 17, 2018 -
mnemosyne-gcc Public
Forked from snalli/mnemosyne-gccGCC port of TM system Mnemosyne
C UpdatedOct 28, 2018 -
CPlusPlusExpts Public
Some C++ experiments done to understand concepts and test out ideas
UpdatedOct 22, 2018 -
C--experiments Public
Some C++ experiments done to understand concepts and test out ideas
UpdatedOct 22, 2018 -
os_mm_studies Public
Collection of micro-benchmarks to evaluate the overheads of memory management in the kernel
gem5-blog Public
Forked from powerjg/gem5-blogNew blog for the gem5 community
HTML Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedJan 28, 2018 -
gem5 Public
Forked from powerjg/gem5Fork of the gem5 github mirror with some of my gem5 development patches. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I often rewrite the history of this repository.
C++ BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedDec 15, 2017 -
gem5-accel Public
Fork of gem5 with support for adding accelerators, based on Jason's devel/accel code
Address_Translation_Results Public
Results of the address translation study conducted in Spring-Summer 2017
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 16, 2017 -
linux-stable Public
Forked from pjh/linux-stableMirror of linux-stable, with branch for virtual memory tracing.
C Other UpdatedJul 3, 2014