OpenXPKI basic system configuration ###################################
This directory contains a minimum and complete configuration set to run a OpenXPKI instance using the WebUI. All contents need to be copied to /etc/openxpki/.
OpenXPKI uses Log4perl for its logging system. The location of the configuration file is set in the systems configuration, where the default is /etc/openxpki/log.conf. The file is ready for use, just copy it.
Global system configuration, such as path to binaries and database. Should do as is on most systems, minimal action: configure your database.
A single OpenXPKI instance can be used to run more than one logical certification authority - we call this a "realm". The example config comes with one preconfigured realm named "ca-one" which is "ready to go" for a first testdrive. You can create additional realms by just making a copy of the directory (cp -pr ca-one ca-two) and put it into system/realm.yaml.
The feature examples also contain files to be put in the realm directory. If you need to use such a feature you need to put its files in each realm you want it to be enabled.