Fresh π is a new spin on sindresorhus/awesome - community curated lists that never go out of style.
- Read the Fresh π Manifesto
- Make a new list - fork this and rename the repo!
- Submit new links via Pull Request
- This list follows the Fresh π Manifesto
- New Links must use this format:
DD MMM YYYY: [Link Name](link) Description
- 29 Mar 2018: fresh-concurrent-react Fresh links about async React (React Fiber, Time Slicing, React Suspense, etc)
- 13 Nov 2018: fresh-react-hooks Fresh links about React Hooks by purpose, thoughtpieces and demos
- None yet!
To the extent possible under law, swyx has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. Fresh π is a new spin on sindresorhus/awesome - community curated lists that never go out of style.