A demonstration of neural network training using Python, Jupyter, Ketas. Included are two data sets with images from cars from various angles (front, left, right, frontleft, frontright, back). The images are taken from https://ai.stanford.edu/~jkrause/cars/car_dataset.html
Theses files have been used in a summer school webinar on machine learning by Sieuwert van Otterloo, Stefan Leijnen, Bert Wassink, Joost Krapels.
Create the data and subdirectory
mkdir data
unzip the two data zip files into this directory
If you have conda installed, you can create a seperate environment for the project using
Feel free to give the environment a different name than ml_webinar_hu if you like.
conda create -n ml_webinar_hu python=3.6
And activate the environment
conda activate ml_webinar_hu
Install the list of libraries into your environment
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start jupyter and open to the desired notebook
jupyter notebook