A set of GUI tools based on Win32API, so Please Use 32-bit ruby interpreter to run it. This is also my first ruby gem
require 'XYGuiCore'
app = XYApp.new("too_young_too_simple")
wnd = XYMainWindow.new(app)
app.mainloop #Just so easy
##So what's XYGui's advantages?
- Its interface is very friendly to ruby
- Based on win32api, It runs fast
- Good OOP and FP interface are provided (you see, effective FP)
- Event System Supported
- Opengl Supported
##Examples are being made
ChatCube, A Loacl Area Network chatting software (including client, server)
Snake, Classical game
Effective Downloader with very few ruby codes
##For more information or join me Find me by email: [email protected] [email protected]; qq:1441157749 tel: +86 15638234038)