/hehn-ree sea-sip/
I'm a Team Leader and frontend developer who loves crafting delightful experiences on web and mobile. Back in 2014 I switched from brand management to software development. Since then, I've designed and developed web applications and pioneered a support engineering team in APAC.
🔭 I’m currently working on: part 2 of my Imperative to Declarative Angular demos.
🌱 My latest project: Imperative Angular Cookbook - Demo for Imperative style Angular
💬 Ask me about: getting into tech, design, UX Research, or leading global teams
📫 How to reach me:
- Website: henrisycip.com
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: in/henri-sycip
⚡ Fun fact: I recently travelled 10 467 km to live in Luxembourg!