- Hi, I’m Ali BEYAZ aka symbuzzer (@XDA) and this is my hobby projects Git
- Archived repos are no longer being developed. Only unarchived projects will continue to be developed.
- Only forked repos have the "fork-" prefix. Modified forked repos do not have this prefix.
- Use of anything contained herein is at your own risk.
- Patreon
- Turkish-Ad-Hosts
- systemless-hosts-KernelSU-module
- Volte-Wifi-Calling-Enabler
- livebootmodule
- oled2lcd
- adaway-kernelsu-helper
- es-theme-knulli
- anbernic-h700-fw-comparing
- etk_tool
- knulli_tools
- Turkish Spam Numbers
- wsodwarrior
- kernel OTA-survival addon.d script
- bakimzi
- MMT Extended Next
- Apollo Fastboot Flasher
- model-specific IMEI creator
- Revert Windows 11 update progress
- MIUI-Debloater-Magisk-Modules
- MIUI-Launcher-4-POCO-Magisk-Module