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Issues: syndesisio/syndesis

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Stuck in UpgradeFailed CR status
#9981 opened Jan 30, 2023 by akraskovski
Unable to build React UI
#9922 opened Mar 15, 2022 by thirumurthy
Still StackOverflowError on some recursive schemas cat/bug A bug which needs fixing group/server REST backend for managing integrations status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#9222 opened Dec 1, 2020 by arusakov-rh
Add ability to export camel-k produced resources cat/enhancement Enhancements to existing features and capabilities group/camel-k group/ui User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#8783 opened Jul 3, 2020 by phantomjinx
Convert all syndesis bash scripts into single go-lang binary cat/discussion This issues requires a discussion cat/enhancement Enhancements to existing features and capabilities cat/feature PR label for a new feature Epic Use by ZenHub, typically also for user stories status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#8762 opened Jun 26, 2020 by phantomjinx
[Custom connectors] Verification process missing cat/design concrete UX design. Use this for PRs containing UX designs. cat/discussion This issues requires a discussion group/connector Supported camel connectors group/ui User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#8609 opened Jun 1, 2020 by squakez
Remove extension list from integration save page, if none is present cat/discussion This issues requires a discussion group/ui User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#8585 opened May 28, 2020 by squakez
Connection and integration button alignment cat/bug A bug which needs fixing group/ui User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#8047 opened Mar 6, 2020 by squakez
Autodiscovery feature: add a direct request from UI cat/enhancement Enhancements to existing features and capabilities group/meta Service for connector meta-data and verification of connections group/server REST backend for managing integrations group/ui User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#8023 opened Mar 4, 2020 by squakez
Syndesis 2.0 to use Camel K as runtime engine cat/enhancement Enhancements to existing features and capabilities group/camel-k group/extension Tools for developing Syndesis extensions group/meta Service for connector meta-data and verification of connections group/operator Infrastructure operator related group/server REST backend for managing integrations status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#7790 opened Feb 3, 2020 by lburgazzoli
Leverage camel-k to materialize syndesis-meta Epic Use by ZenHub, typically also for user stories group/camel-k group/extension Tools for developing Syndesis extensions group/meta Service for connector meta-data and verification of connections group/operator Infrastructure operator related group/server REST backend for managing integrations
#7686 opened Jan 24, 2020 by lburgazzoli
Base image security issues status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#7492 opened Jan 6, 2020 by ryckowski
TechDebt - Remove Guava as direct dependency notif/triage The issue needs triage. Applied automatically to all new issues. status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#7379 opened Dec 11, 2019 by KurtStam
Add red hat font to the UI and auto-form storybooks cat/techdebt Label for issues identifying technical debt group/ui User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#7288 opened Dec 2, 2019 by gashcrumb
SOAP client support cat/discussion This issues requires a discussion cat/feature PR label for a new feature status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#6504 opened Sep 4, 2019 by hodrigohamalho
Ability for integration/flow fragments cat/enhancement Enhancements to existing features and capabilities status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#6273 opened Jul 29, 2019 by edeandrea
Provide description of the security definition cat/enhancement Enhancements to existing features and capabilities group/server REST backend for managing integrations notif/triage The issue needs triage. Applied automatically to all new issues. status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#6039 opened Jul 2, 2019 by zregvart
Ability to version integrations in the UI/import from source control cat/feature PR label for a new feature status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#5341 opened May 13, 2019 by edeandrea
Importing integrations sharing the same extension duplicates the extension notif/triage The issue needs triage. Applied automatically to all new issues. status/never-stale Marker that this issue should not be marked as stale
#5163 opened Apr 9, 2019 by tadayosi
ProTip! What’s not been updated in a month: updated:<2025-02-27.