A Neovim plugin for RefactorEx - Elixir refactoring tool
- Neovim 0.8.0 or higher
- Elixir/Mix installed on your system
ft = "elixir",
---@module "refactorex.nvim"
---@type refactorex.Config
opts = {
auto_update = true,
pin_version = nil,
Install the plugin using your preferred package manager
Example using packer.nvim:
use {
config = function()
require("refactorex").setup({ auto_update = true, pin_version = nil })
(boolean): When true, automatically checks for updates when the plugin loads.pin_version
(string): When set, forces the plugin to use this specific version (e.g., "0.1.30"). This overrides auto_update.
: Downloads and installs the latest version of RefactorEx, restarting the LSP server if it's running